The National Idea

Day 2,736, 10:22 Published in Australia Australia by sher07

Where are we going?
What is the ultimate mission of our clicks the buttons?
Yes, each of us has any desire and any opportunities.
But everyone want... What? What we want?

What unites all eAustralians?
Maybe we want to create a great society which will based on brotherhood with an unprecedented equality?
Maybe we want to create an Empire of Oceania?
Maybe we have much more perverse fantasy? Why not?
Why not be a political pervert? Is not that why we're all here together? 🙂

But back to the subject of the article.
National idea can unite the entire nation.

Of course, we are all trying to achieve the development of our country. but the high development of the country , however, is a means to a higher purpose. And this moral objective must lead us every day to click on the buttons for success.

No, I'm not saying that we must now gather all our small population, and to throw himself under the wheels of some brutal killing machine to become a province of any state. However, if some idea now seems impossible to realize, then we have just put it in our heads.

Perhaps this will lead to an increase in activity.

So, what do we want?

Here singing Led Zeppelin!