The last campaign stop

Day 1,972, 19:34 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Well the election is tomorrow and I hope you all vote. I will say that Dozzer has done an admirable job at keeping the party together during these times of low activity; and for that I thank him.

So before you make your final choice in the election I will lay down the specifics of what my tenure will look like.

The first act will be organizing the "moose call". I have already sent friend requests to the whole party so that if I am elected, I am already in position to create a series of mass pm's to keep the whole party informed about what the rest of us are up too. I will update the moose call about half way through my term to accommodate members who have left and those who have joined.

Communication is the key to holding this party together and keep it moving forward out of the days of Spanish occupation. The first thing that will be sent out across the moose call will be the news of whom I have named as VPP, Secretary General, Councillor and Spokesperson.

After these positions are filled I will move to step two, getting the CPF congress people together to discuss where we have been going, and where we want to go from here. My primary goal for our congress people will be finding ways to help the executive continue to disentangle us from the Spanish situation and instead focus on our Asgard brethren.

Once our current congress members have been taken care of I want to turn my attention to promoting activity from within the party with some opportunities to get involved. I understand many of our members are here because we happen to be the largest party, and that is fine; but we must still work hard to stay on top.

Some of the opportunities I want to stress are my open door policy, a political mentorship program, as well as a few give aways to get people on their feet.

My open door policy is simple, I WANT YOU TO ASK ME QUESTIONS! Seriously, ask me anything, I want to hear from you as this is your party as much as it is mine. YOU HAVE A SAY! I can't guarantee you will like all my answers, but I will answer you.

As for political mentorship, I want to set new players, or older players who have never tried politics, up with people who have spent time in congress or in cabinets or even in simple party politics. It will of course be voluntary, but I hope the older members of the CPF will step up to show others the ropes. Only by doing so will this party be able to grow and avoid stagnation.

As for economic help, I will admit this step may not be as feasible, but I will at least test the waters to see if some of the more well off players are willing to join me in backing small loans to younger players to purchases vital upgrades like training centers.

Otherwise, the next big project will be selecting the next batch of congress members. I have a simple way of doing this. I gauge peoples past commitment to the party's tenets combined with a short form they will fill out to express some of their ideas about what they want to accomplish this term. I will do this with the assistance of my VPP. Otherwise, once elected, I will continue to help our congress members in such a manner as I have described already.

The next major hurdle will be finding a CP candidate... I hope to find one from within the ranks of the CPF. As it stands now, I can think of a few people that could make decent CP's. but we need better than decent. I will make regular updates about how my search goes as the term goes on.

My final act as PP is to ensure an orderly succession. to do this I will be reviving the practice of primaries. I will let the party choose in advance who they would like to be the next PP. Then come election day, there is a far less chance that the vote will be split amongst those that the majority of the party does not want in charge.

Clearly there is more to being PP than what is above. But this is a fair assessment of what I want to accomplish this term. It is not perfect, but I believe in being as frank and open as possible about what I want to accomplish for the CPF and eCanada. So again, I hope tomorrow you exercise your right to vote and continue to keep the CPF awesome.

1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy

The Campaign Trail: