The Kingmaker Chronicles | Chapter 1

Day 2,824, 15:12 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Joshua wiped the fresh blood from his axe onto his leggings. Blood stained the the fields just south of Bodø which played host to the great battle between the forces of the newly crowned King and Delirium the Conqueror, the Dictator of Norway, both claiming complete supremacy over all of Norway.

"Your Majesty!," someone called as he rode up to King Joshua. "The battle has been a success!"

"How many casualties did we suffer," grunted the King. "Were still counting but we believe around 500 with losses of about 1300 for Deliriums forces. This was a huge victory Majesty and this will secure your hold on Northern Norway."

"Send word to all the nobles from this region. If they still do not choose to support my claim, they will die and even worse death than the men that lay here today." The rider rode off to carry the Kings message.

Joshua climbed onto his horse and rode to assess the damage. Bodies littered the ground, blood stained the ground. Wounded men were being treated to. The loss of 500 men did not sit well for the King. Deliriums forces had indeed suffered greatly more but Joshua did not have the resources nor the manpower that Delirium could command. The Dictator came from a very noble family, the richest in all of Norway and had used that as his stepping stone to over throw the Royal family over twenty years ago. Since completely destroying the royal family many other of Norway's great houses had risen up against Delirium to stake their claim, including the House of Morriseau, the family whose claim was stronger than anyones.

"Your Majesty, the enemy forces want to recover their dead," shouted Egil, one of the Kings most trusted friends and warriors. "Behead them all first," said the King without even blinking. "But Joshua..."

"You heard me." I want their heads on spikes all the way from the sea to Sweden. If anyone from Deliriums forces or loyal to him cross it, they will know whose Kingdom they are now in." Egil slowly turned away looking in awe at his friend. He had never seen such a side to him as he had just now. Joshua had always seemed more of a diplomat, rather using peace to solve matters. But peace will not solve this war. Only the death of either Joshua or Delirium would end this war.

Joshua sat atop the hill that over looked the field watching his commands being carried out. His body was stained with the blood of his fallen victims. The sky now started to fill with darkness as the crows set in for their evening meal. This was the desperate win he needed to not just secure his hold on the North but to ensure other noble family's, bringing the much needed men and resources would flock to his cause. Without it he would not stand a chance.