The Good, the Bad and the Meh

Day 1,982, 04:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Liam Tatlock

After perusing the wiki of the Irish revolution of 2011 (the year before I was eBorn), Irish Revolution, the comment about needing good, cross party ministers struck a chord and I started wondering who would actually fit this definition nowadays. Obviously Seanan in MoD and Appleman in MoF would, as would Sweet Drinker, but who else? And, for that matter, who would be/were bad ministers?

All CP's fill ministerial posts with their friends/party comrades, which is understandable, but is it a good thing? I really, really don't want this to turn into the traditional "you're crap" slanging match as Ireland needs strong leadership now more than ever, so I'd be really interested in honest opinions about who would make a good minister in what area and why. Or why not.

To me, it's essential that ministers should be as neutral as possible as the welfare of the country should come first, but where do we stand if Seanan leaves tomorrow? Surely we would need two or three good alternatives for each major position, so who are the up and comers, apart from Raven? For that matter, have we got suitable apprentices who could do the job or, more accurately, would be willing to learn it?