The Future of the USWP: My Candidacy for Party President

Day 503, 15:23 Published in USA USA by Ananias

On April 15th, 2009, members of the United States Worker’s Party will have the opportunity, once again, to select a member to lead the USWP for April 16th through May 15th, 2009. As an elife-long member and ardent supporter of the United States Workers Party, I am honored to announce my candidacy for Party President.

The United States Worker’s Party has come a long way since its formation in December of 2007. We have fulfilled, beyond their wildest dreams, the hopes of those that founded the USWP; with a membership exceeding one thousand, one of the most active party-specific forums in the new world, an incredible collection of member development and educational programs, an experienced and effective delegation of congressional leaders and a peerless commitment to the eRepublik success of the eUnited States of America.

I have always been, and will continue to be, proud to be counted among the voices and the volunteers seeking to promote the United States Workers Party as a social and political organizations founded, and fostered, to be a valuable driver for the success of its diverse membership; and I am honored to even have the opportunity to follow luminaries like Roby Petric, Peregrine, Lukasz Makowski, Rocco Baldelli, Scrabman and ProggyPop in the role of USWP Party President.

Still, even as we come together today to celebrate a hard fought electoral victory by our endorsed candidate and USWP colleague , President Scrabman, we are immediately called to look ahead to the challenges which face our nation and our party in the coming months. It is my belief that we must continue moving forward as an political organization whose strength is not just characterized by the quantity of our membership, but by the extraordinary quality and engagement of our members.

Our current Party President, ProggyPop, set an ambitious and invigorating agenda last term, and I am convinced that his agenda is the framework for the continued success of the United States Workers Party in the coming months. I am dedicated to both contributing to the fulfillment of that agenda and the continuation of that agenda; and, if selected by the membership of the USWP to lead the Party in the coming weeks, to add many elements that are distinctive to my leadership style.

You may be assured that the United States Workers Party through the framework established, and leadership provided by ProggyPop, and the focus and leadership of Ananias, will be fairly characterized as the, uniquely American, political party which:

Generously offers opportunity for growth and influence to members that engage and contribute to the success of the USWP.

Tirelessly promotes of the welfare and efforts of members that engage and contribute to the success of the USWP.

Powerfully drives the development and implementation of solutions to the obstacle and challenges that the eUnited States of America faces as it continues its progress toward the shared goal of eRepublik dominance.

I urge all members to register and get involved in the United States Workers Party Forum by engaging in the discussion of how we, together, can improve the elives of our vast and diverse membership while building our organizational prowess for the benefit of our great nation, the eUnited States of America. Drop me a private message in forum after you join so that I welcome you personally to our party.

Members of the USWP, I ask for your vote on April 15th, 2009 for Party President of the greatest political party in the New World, both quantitatively and qualitatively…the United States Workers Party.