The “eUnited” States of America: TBD

Day 502, 22:58 Published in USA USA by Ananias

In a little over one hour the polls will close and with it the April general election for President of the eUnited States of America. For all intents and purposes the decision is final regarding the individuals that will be serving as the President and the Vice-President of the eUnited States of America as determined by perhaps the greatest of all civic institutions, the vote.

I congratulate all of the candidates for their efforts and the results of those efforts, though there ultimately is only one winner in such a contest, what is often overlooked is the enormous value of every single vote cast; each one a vindication and tangible evidence of the value of the diverse visions presented by the candidates this cycle.

Without exception, this has been one of the most personally challenging presidential elections I have cast a vote in, not because I was not already fully committed to supporting President-elect Scrabman and Vice President-elect Moishe, but because the candidate list was populated with so many individuals that I both respect and admire. So, while I am thrilled that my favored candidate was victorious, I regret that so many great voices and visionaries were unable to ascend to the platform they sought.

However, though one decision will have been made at the stroke of midnight eRep time, another far more daunting decision will be required in the coming days: Will we be able, as eUnited States citizens, to put aside the passion and rhetoric of the campaign trail, and unite for the common good of the nation? Or will we allow the draw of a different path or a different ideology, fueled by the ridiculously short election cycle, to perpetuate the myth that we cannot unite for a common purpose?

I recently read that a great eAmerican, John Jay, has made a decision to step down from his command position; I have heard rumblings that some of the most effective and respected individuals in the eUS are contemplating disengagement and reduced activity for a time, whether from campaign exhaustion or anger over the tone of the electoral campaigns in their final days…if these are more than speculation or rumors, then I am disappointed that the vision you cast and the efforts you promised, which were so worthy as to receive the most valuable possession any eAmerican can offer you, their vote, were contingent upon your victory and title, rather than your desire for a better future.

I believe that I speak for many when I write: We, the eUS citizens, need you, perhaps more now than ever, to put aside the rancor which discourages you from your goals, and unite with us, as fellow eUS citizens; to work beside us, a fellow contributors to our national success; to roll up your virtual sleeves and say, without hesitation, “Titles and positions are not as important as results”, and, more importantly, to say clearly that, “The welfare of the nation and its citizens is more important than my personal ascendancy to power.”

My fellow eAmericans, whether you are just starting in eRepublik or you have been here since before the advent of version 1; whether you are a boomer or a beta-giant; a new politician or a corporate mogul; an Independent, Libertarian, Conservative, Liberal, Socialist, Federalist, Green, or any other flavor or ideology…I ask that you lay aside your differences that we may come together for the sake of the value we place on our shared ideal as a nation, rather than our diverse ideologies.

Finally, I ask you, my readers to raise a toast to all of the worthy candidates in this elections cycle, but more so for the culmination of their shared vision for a stronger and more United States of America in the coming months.

One team, One nation, One purpose…eRepublik success for the eUnited States of America.

“There is no limit to what we can accomplish when the only reward we seek is the achievement of our shared goals, together.”