The Enemy and The Answer

Day 625, 00:01 Published in USA USA by Ananias

Given the current state of our nation, I find it hard to fathom that, just a few short weeks ago, the greatest concerns of our nation were the appropriate level of import taxes, or the questions surrounding a National Primary System, or the value of a US Dollar, or the collapse of ATLANTIS. My how critical the issues seemed at the time…my how the rhetoric careened through the media like stray peas in a national food fight…and my how we all wish that we had such insignificant concerns to wile away the hours now…

But no…now we are just trying to cling to survival as a nation, watching the inexorable march of the invaders as, one after another, our regions are “liberated” by the invading hordes. While my stomach curdles a little bit every time I acknowledge the idea, the truth is that there is a “liberation” taking place, but the liberation is not territorial or even ideological, it is strictly attitudinal.

We are becoming a nation of cynics.

And to be perfectly clear...I got sick of it, and I chose to do something about it. I founded eNOVA.

Let’s dispel any illusions...our nation is currently being beaten badly in war, but our losses are not limited to territories or business prosperity or even our self esteem. Perhaps, in the eyes of eRepublik history, our greatest loss and most abject defeat was not found in the loss of any region, but in the extinguishing of our spirit and national identity.

It seems lately that everywhere I go, the posts I read on the forums and the discussions I participate in on IRC, the drumbeat of cynicism rolls on...individuals that I respect greatly are mulling which country they will be moving to in a month’s time, patriotic military giants are throwing up their hands at the seeming futility of our circumstances, new citizens are questioning their participation in a game where theymay not be able to contribute to the nation for which they have sworn RL allegiance...

I know that I am just one American....I know that this is “just a game” to those who would capitulate their hope in a return to eUS sovereignty for a few more weeks of freedom under another flag...I know that pragmatism and cynicism have nearly won the day in the halls of our leadership...

But even if I am the last player standing in the last battle on the last day of the existence of the eUS...I will stand and I will fight for the eUS, because I would rather stagger away from that battle, begging for handouts of gifts and food, having exhausted my all for the eUS, than capitulate to the cynicism which seems to be engulfing us as a nation.

Cynicism is the enemy we face together.

I got sick of it, and I chose to do something about it. I founded eNOVA.,

My fellow citizens, the dearth of innovative thinking is killing us. We are spending so much time mulling the futility of our circumstances, that we are missing the opportunities available. During the final battles, many of us are already planning to exhaust our treasures and perhaps even our eLives for the defense of our soil, when the reality is that the opportunity for victory through self-sacrifice is right now.

Why would we wait until we are down to a handful of regions to mount the final “push”, the final Charge of the Light Brigade, lets make our charge now. Has cynicism so infected our nation that we have been blinded to the reality that our best opportunity for success is not when we are backed in a corner, but when we have the flexibility and capability to respond? Up until this point we have allowed our enemies to dictate our actions, it is long past time to return the favour in kind.

While it is smaller than it was last week, I ask you: Is our national identity based on the number of regions we have? Or is our national identity based on the spirit of camaraderie and team defense that we will carry with us to the final inch of soil in our final sovereign region?

That, in the final analysis of our strength as a nation, will be the question we must answer.

While I appreciate that I may sound delusional, I think it is critical to point out that the same game mechanics which stymie the Country Presidents ability to respond, are the same game mechanics that will allow a highly motivated organization to take the fight back to the invaders and restore our sovereignty as a nation.

Please donate now to eNOVA so that we can fund our defense and, even better, join eNOVA so that we can stand together in the defense of our nation. As an organization dedicated to the sovereignty of the eUS (as with all of our member nations) we are in a unique position to circumvent the game battle mechanics that hold us back.

My fellow citizens, let’s sacrifice for each other now, so that regardless of the outcome we will not ever question whether our efforts were too late to make a difference.

eNOVA is going to make a difference for the eUS,

Make a difference with us.

Fight on, America, together...our nation is worth it,

