The Court of Public Opinion...The People vs PimpDollaz

Day 1,331, 15:36 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

Some of you have have read my original piece on PimpDollaz titled "Hometown Zero's" where I highlighted reasons PimpDollaz shouldn't throw stones from his Glass Whorehouse. The earlier piece can be seen here

Since there has never been a court case against PimpDollaz for his actions against the CPF, and I'm not sure if there can be in the current court system, I am going to put a case before the Court of Public Opinion against one Pimpdollaz

Now to this point, PimpDollaz answer to these claims have been consistently the following remarks

"these are all lies and the author can't back them up with any proof. It really just illustrates that anyone can lie in this game and get away with it"

"yeah, except all his punches routinely miss. I have yet to see him offer proof to back up his lies, so we know that they exactly that - lies, plain and simple. I'd really like to know how he concocted such a ridiculous story"

Basically PimpDollaz's only answer to these charges is to cast them as lies, fabricated by me

I am going to illustrate below, the timeline of events surrounding PimpDollaz and invite former members of the CPF, or anyone in eCanada at the time to add to the evidence, and/or substantiate it

1)The case begins with PimpDollaz being a card carrying member of the CPF. Congressman, Loudmouth, Little has changed..

2)TemujinBC, in an act of Lulz, donated various amounts of CAD from a National Org, to a series of Canadian Citizens, within a day or so, all the money is returned, except for 666 CAD (About 30 GOLD at the time) that was sent to PimpDollaz. He claimed it was his to keep since it was "donated" to him

3)After many pleas to Pimpdollaz to return the money, he was eventually tried and found guilty in the Supreme Court and sentenced to repay the money - 666 CAD, in addition to a short Forum Ban and IRC ban to be served AFTER the money was re-payed

4)PimpDollaz continued to lash out and the CPF, led by Addy Lawrence and Tyler F. Durden continued to argue in his defense until such a time that PimpDollaz's baffonary started to negatively affect the status of the Party, and they were forced to publically cut ties with PimpDollaz

5)PimpDollaz, butthurt by this decision refocused his negative energy on his former friends, the very friends that defended him a short time before. Those in the Canadian Progressive Front

6)At this time, a citizen by the name of CrazyMofo (either an actual Citizen, or a PimpDollaz Multi) was elected Party President of the CPF and was befriended by PimpDollaz. CrazyMofo, then abruptly resigned as Party President, giving control of the party to Pimpdollaz, due to Pimps high XP rank. He also shared all of the passwords to the CPF's Orgs, which were liquidated almost immediately. These Orgs and Companies were made from the donations over the many months by CPF Party members, The CPF being a party started by Tyler F. Durden. The Haul was in the neighborhood of about 500 Gold. There may have also been a deletion/vandalization of the CPF forums..

7)PimpDollaz, in his new found role as CPF Party President, changed the Party name to many things including "Senior Citizens Home", "PimpDollaz Whorehouse" among others. He also sold the CPF CP candidate to Kazuo LeBlanc for 50 Gold. Under Kazuo's instructions, the candidate was to be Kazuo's buddy Jefflav

😎After this point, PimpDollaz layed low form the scene, spent some time in ePakistan, among other places, only to return to eCanada every so ofter as various citizens pled his case before the courts, seeking leniency for the almost year long ban Pimpdollaz had served. Since Pimpdollaz couldn't keep his own foot out of his own mouth, he didn't receive much sympathy from the courts and his ban remained

9)With the CAD sinking to PimpDollaz's fine being less than 1 Gold (It was 30, but the judgement was in CAD), Pimp, with his tail between his legs, quietly re-payed the fine (666 CAD) and attempted to re-enter society. With most of the old CPF gone, PimpDollaz no doubt felt that he had gotten away scot free from his personal history. I'm here to make sure that is not the case

10) Oh, and when I made a crack once in a shout to PimpDollaz, he deleted me from his friends list, when I asked him Why? - He told me that he was pissed because people still liked me and were still pissed at him and he thought that was unfair (ie: - He was Butthurt about it)

11) PimpDollaz's recent "contributions" to society can be seen in the above article "Hometown Zero's" but in an era where a person's character should be held paramount, Should someone with such a tattered history such as PimpDollaz be serving as speaker, or Deputy Speaker in our congress?

History should not forget

The council invites more evidence, feel free to post it below in the comments section