The Colin's Report

Day 2,352, 19:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Colin Fox
Scottish Socialist Voice
April 29th, 2014 (Day 2,352)

Sir Colin Fox

Dear comrades,

The CP elections are coming up and so far it looks like a choice between Daniel Plainview, MrYYY, mirek12345, and The Republics Assassin. Between these choices I would say I am voting for Daniel.Plainview. Why? Since I've come to eIreland he has been welcoming, I haven't seen the eIrish media exploding with scandal articles or the typical party politics going at each other, so I figure he must be doing something right.

What concerns me however is that the #2 political party in eIreland, the #1 left-wing party, still hasn't put out a candidate for the CP elections. I have noticed the past several elections we have not put out a candidate. We have the leadership available, however, it seems those leaders do not have the time necessary to administer adequately or simply would prefer not to.

What not only the ILP needs, but what this country needs, is a leader with a vision. We need to be practical, yet innovative. We need to incorporate or emphasize other aspects of the game. We need to extend our influence beyond our borders and into the New World!

Does eIreland have what it takes to create beyond ourselves? Is there a player out there who believes they can bring eIreland to greatness?

I will be assembling a plan of action that the community can choose to participate in or not. I am not asking you to join the ILP, I am asking would you work with me as an equal for the betterment of our eIrish society..

Your's Truly,
Colin Fox