The adventures of Gali the Viking II

Day 2,534, 12:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

Gali for everything ever

A huge, huge thank you to Horice for this one!

Thanks Rob the Bruce for your bootiful logo

Previously on TAOGTV(Catchy)
However, the unsuspecting Vikings weren't suspecting...the unsuspectable Saxon Monk Mafia!

The rabble of Vikings woke up with blind-folds over their eyes. "You weren't suspecting the unsuspectable Saxon Monk Mafia were you now?" Croaked a voice that sounded suspiciously like chancellor Palpatine's...

On with The Adventuuuure!
Suddenly a huge candle was lit and the room was illuminated. The candle appeared to be sat on a big skull labelled "eUK Media". In front of the four Vikings was sat none other than Plato himself, flanked by two bearded men in fedoras, and a bit older and less masculine that you'd think.

"I see you've been attempting to play music in the eUK!" boomed the big god/Greek/person.
Ragnor replied with a series of short notes produced by his nose.
"Well I won't have that kind of thing going on around here, don't you know about the long-standing rule that I set up when people played this game in '69!?"
Plato didn't wait for an answer before continuing.
"Well it clearly states that anyone attempting to make this game enjoyable for the players will be hurriedly banned!"
"No, I didn't realise that that was a rule" replied Gali, a bit disgruntled by how small Plato's toga was.
"Well you should do, you should also be subjected to trial by eUK media and Mymaths. before being permanently banned."

Gali and co were swiftly led out of the room, past the numerous statues of Plato, out through an exit door and onto a little pier. All about them were middle aged men in togas and fedoras, hurrying about with war stashes and power packs labelled "last 7 8 4 Days Left!". The entire band and Plato himself were put in the shadow of a huge ship. Plato turned to them and spoke "Behold, PS eRepublik"...

What is Plato planning?
Why isn't "Literally" on the charts?
Why do people subject themselves to the humiliation of fedoras?

Find out most of this in the next issue of...The Adventures of Gali The Viking!

Peace hasn't officially been declared at this exact moment in time, so remember to donate to...

Remember the pool party!?

Gali's Announcements

Don't expect to see me until Sunday! I don't have internet!

If any admins are reading this, let me finish the series before you decide
whether I'm worthy of a banning yet!

Could anyone design a logo for this series? It would be really cool and helpful!

As a Congressman I'm meant to act on the public's behalf, so is there anyone who isn't a Congress-Member who would like something done?


I now have internet, and you thought I'd bugger of that easily...

Anyone who'd like to be included in an additional logo, to go alongside Rob's, please notify me!

Some MoD Stuff

Remember to keep up to date with MoD orders and stuff!

MoD IRC channel:

MoD Newspaper:

Remember to get me elected for everything ever!

As always, thanks for reading! Please remember that I don't write articles to be nasty to anyone, and that constructive criticism is welcome.

Phil Harding in his younger years, still the model Human Being...