Thank You! Moving Forward with the Revolution.

Day 2,218, 10:00 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by lancer450

Fellow Revolutionaries,

Thank You
To begin, I would like to give a massive thank you to those who voted for me in yesterday’s election. I very much appreciate the support. I would also like to thank my fellow candidate, irule777, for a well-fought race. He ran a fantastic race and I was glad to have the opportunity to run against someone who is just as motivated and determined to help the DRP to continue to grow as I am.

Some Updates
Here are some party updates:

- The recruitment team has already been assembled and will immediately begin to resume our recruitment efforts as this is very important to me.
- We are currently working on retaining those players we are able to recruit and to help them to thrive in eRepublik and develop a greater understanding of the game and game mechanics. I have asked Schoft, the Vice Party President, to contact the younger, newer members of our party to do just that. Thanks for stepping forward, Schoft.
- I’ve sent out a message to everyone in the party, introducing and re-introducing myself.
- I have asked Cody Caine to create DRP logos that would go on our avatars which I believe will lead to greater cohesiveness amongst party members and will also help our party to stand out as well. Thanks to el Trench for mentioning that to me.
- I’m looking to find a way in order to better utilise tools such as Skype to allow our members to stay connected with one another and to cultivate a strong community environment within our party. This will probably be more needed as we grow as a party but I would still like to draw up some plans and see about doing something with regards to Skype.
- I have appointed Xo901 as Councillor of the party. Xo901 will be helping out this month and I believe will do a great job. I will talk more about the tasks of the Councillor and updates regarding Xo901 and the rest of the party cabinet as well in other party updates. Thanks again for volunteering to help out, Xo901!

Moving Forward with the Revolution
The Congressional election will be upon us very soon. While it is quite unlikely that our party will be in the top 5 at that time, I would still like to prepare ahead of time for the election. I will try to get into contact with parties that are in the top 5 to see if they would be gracious enough to allow us to run some of our candidates on their ballots during the election as we did last month. We know these parties don’t have to do this and that they don’t have to help us. This is why we are very thankful to those who have shown they are willing and able to help out a party like ours that is outside of the top 5 but has many good, active players with great potential.

This month I am hoping to get a couple more congress positions for the DRP than what we got last month. I will be sending out a group message soon to the rest of the party asking for those who are considering running for congress to please notify me. The reason we need to do this is so that our party members can decide who they want to run for congress on behalf of them to represent them and also so I can give the names of the candidates to the party leaders of the top 5 parties who may be interested in letting us run with them on the 25th.

Well, that’s it for this party update! I would, again, like to ask for anybody interested in a party role or anybody who wishes to volunteer to serve as a recruiter, a mentor to the younger members of our party, etc., to please contact me as soon as possible. I’m sure I can find a place for you. 🙂

Best wishes,

DRP Party President

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