South Africa Thanks You

Day 795, 10:07 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Defence- SA

Since the Chief of Staff is unavailable right now, I would just like to say thank you to the various military units that showed up to help fight off the Indonesian invasion. I am not one that is particularly great with words, perhaps Ines, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or Mark Morcom, the South African president, will have something magnificent and heart warming to say to you all.

We are grateful to all of the people who traveled to South Africa, or one of our allied nations to fight. And on behalf of the members of the South African Armed Forces, I was an honor working with you all.

A special thanks to the people of Greece, Croatia, and the United States for offering us mutual protection pacts. I have heard Romania has also offered an MPP, however, I do not know if South Africa has accepted due to fiscal concerns. Thank you all!

OH and Australia I almost forgot about ya'll. sorry Cerb, and Thanks!
Deputy Chief of Staff South African Armed Forces.