Sorry and programs.

Day 2,448, 11:47 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Aroablast

Sorry for not posting in the last four days. I have been working on a a Python program. Phython is somthing I recomend that everon checks out it's a lot of fun to play with and you can do aa lot with it.

Python link!

The program ive been working on is a text baces adventure game. If you want to play around with it this is it.

print("Welocome, you logged into this game thinking t was a game but ts not a game if you die your dead in the game and in real life as well. So you cant die there is 100 floors you have to clear to finish the game is you fail you die. Each floor has a doungon and a boss you have to defeat if you do you move to the next floor so on and so forth. You will now jump into the game as your player. Good Luck ... I hope you die")
print(" ")

player_name = input("Please Enter your name: ")
print("Hello", player_name, "to Donugen RPG I hope your ready to die")

hp = 20
lvl = 1
exp = 0
place = 1 #this is also the floor number
win = 2
lose = 1
aa = 0
monster = 0
monstera = 0
spoils = 0
mhp = hp
streak = 0
gold = 0
skill_points = 0
defence = 0

sword_skill = 1
hp_regen = 1

healing_potion = 0
super_healing_potion = 0
iron_ore = 0
silver_ore = 0
gold_ore = 0
dragon_ore = 0
death_ore = 0
midnight_ore = 0

iron_armor = 0
silver_armor = 0
gold_armor = 0
dragon_armor = 0
death_armor = 0
midnight_armor = 0

iron_wepon = 0
silver_wepon = 0
gold_wepon = 0
dragon_wepon = 0
death_wepon = 0
midnight_wepon = 0

def expGain():
global exp
global place
ab = 5 * place
ac = 15 * place
import random
num = random.randrange(ab, ac)
exp = num + exp
print("You gained", exp, "EXP")

#Level up
def lvlUp():
global exp
global mhp
global lvl
global skill_points

import random
skill_gen = random.randrange(1, 3)

skill_points = skill_points + 2 + skill_gen
exn = lvl * 5
import random
hg = random.randrange(5, 10)
if exp > exn or exp == exn:
print("Level Up")
lvl = lvl + 1
mhp = mhp + 5 + hg
exp = exp - exn
print("You level is", lvl, "and you have", mhp, "health points")
print("You have", exp, "EXP")
print("You gainded", skill_points, "skill points go to your skills to upgrade them")
print("No leveling you have", exp, "Exp")

#Battle Fuction
def battleMonster():

global aa
global monster
global monstera
global exp
global lvl
global player_class
global place
global spoils
global hp
global mhp
global gold
global sword_skill
global hp_regen
global defence
global healing_potion
global super_healing_potion

hp = mhp

ab = 12 * place
ac = 30 * place
import random
monster = random.randrange(ab, ac)

print(" ")
print("You got in a battle with a monster")
print("Your player is level", lvl, "has", exp, "exp")
print("Basic attack press one")
print("Advance attack press two")
print("Defend press three")
print("To ues an item press 4")
print(" ")

while True:
print("You have", hp, "health points the monster has", monster)
print(" ")
print("Your move first")
print("What will you do?")
move = int(input("Move number: "))
if move == 1:
bba = 4 * sword_skill
bbb = 15 * sword_skill
import random
aa = random.randrange(bba, bbb)
print("You did", aa, "damage")
monster = monster - aa
print(" ")
elif move == 2:
cca = 6 * sword_skill
ccb = 16 * sword_skill
import random
aa = random.randrange(cca, ccb)
print("You did", aa, "damage")
monster = monster - aa
print(" ")
elif move == 3:
print("You defened one damage done and one damange taken")
monster = monster - 1
elif move == 4:
heal = int(input("What kind of healing potion would you like to ues normall(1) super(2)"))
if heal == 1 and hp > mhp:
hpp = mhp - hp
hp = hp + hpp
healing_potion = healing_potion - 1
elif heal == 2 and hp > mhp:
hpp = mhp - hp
hp = hp + hpp
super_healing_potion = super_healing_potion - 1
if hp < mhp:
hp = hp + hp_regen * 2
hhp = hp_regen * 2
print("Regained", hhp, "health points")
hhp = hhp - hhp

if monster < 0 or monster == 0:
print("Game over YOU WIN")
print(" ")
spoils = win
import random
goldc = random.randrange(10, 40)
gold = gold + goldc
print("You now have", gold, "gold")
print(" ")
if move == 3:
monstera = 1
print("Monster's turn")
dda = 8 * place
ddb = 24 * place
import random
monstera = random.randrange(dda, ddb)
print("The monster did", monstera, "damage")

monstera = monstera - defence
hp = hp - monstera
if hp < 0 or hp == 0:
print("Game over YOU LOSE")
spoils = lose
print(" ")
print(" ")

def battleBoss():

global aa
global monster
global monstera
global exp
global lvl
global player_class
global place
global spoils
global hp
global mhp
global gold
global defence
global sword_skill
global hp_regen
global healing_potion
global super_healing_potion

ab = 70 * place
ac = 80 * place
import random
monster = random.randrange(ab, ac)

print(" ")
print("You got in a battle with a Boss")
print("Your player is level", lvl, "has", exp, "exp")
print("Basic attack press one")
print("Advance attack press two")
print("Defend press three")
print("Press 4 to ues an item")
print(" ")

while True:
print("You have", hp, "health points the boss has", monster)
print(" ")
print("Your move first")
print("What will you do?")
move = int(input("Move number: "))
if move == 1:
bba = 4 * sword_skill
bbb = 15 * sword_skill
import random
aa = random.randrange(bba, bbb)
print("You did", aa, "damage")
monster = monster - aa
print(" ")
elif move == 2:
cca = 6 * sword_skill
ccb = 16 * sword_skill
import random
aa = random.randrange(cca, ccb)
print("You did", aa, "damage")
monster = monster - aa
print(" ")
elif move == 3:
print("You defened one damage done and one damange taken")
monster = monster - 1
elif move == 4:
heal = int(input("What kind of healing potion would you like to ues normall(1) super(2)"))
if heal == 1 and hp > mhp:
hpp = mhp - hp
hp = hp + hpp
healing_potion = healing_potion - 1
elif heal == 2 and hp > mhp:
hpp = mhp - hp
hp = hp + hpp
super_healing_potion = super_healing_potion - 1
if hp < mhp:
hp = hp + hp_regen * 2
hhp = hp_regen * 2
print("Regained", hhp, "health points")
hhp = hhp - hhp

if monster < 0 or monster == 0:
print("Game over YOU WIN")
print(" ")
spoils = win
import random
goldc = random.randrange(10, 40)
gold = gold + goldc
print("You now have", gold, "gold")
print(" ")
if move == 3:
monstera = 1
print("Bosses turn")
dda = 16 * place
ddb = 48 * place
import random
monstera = random.randrange(dda, ddb)
print("The boss did", monstera, "damage")

monstera = monstera - defence
hp = hp - monstera
if hp < 0 or hp == 0:
print("Game over YOU LOSE")
spoils = lose
print(" ")
print(" ")

def finalBossBattle():

global aa
global monster
global monstera
global exp
global lvl
global player_class
global place
global spoils
global hp
global mhp
global gold
global defence
global sword_skill
global hp_regen
global healing_potion
global super_healing_potion

monster = 30000

print(" ")
print("You got in a battle with the Creator")
print("Your player is level", lvl, "has", exp, "exp")
print("Basic attack press one")
print("Advance attack press two")
print("Defend press three")
print("Press 4 to ues an item")
print(" ")

while True:
print("You have", hp, "health points the Creator has", monster)
print(" ")
print("Your move first")
print("What will you do?")
move = int(input("Move number: "))
if move == 1:
bba = 4 * sword_skill
bbb = 15 * sword_skill
import random
aa = random.randrange(bba, bbb)
print("You did", aa, "damage")
monster = monster - aa
print(" ")
elif move == 2:
cca = 6 * sword_skill
ccb = 16 * sword_skill
import random
aa = random.randrange(cca, ccb)
print("You did", aa, "damage")
monster = monster - aa
print(" ")
elif move == 3:
print("You defened one damage done and one damange taken")
monster = monster - 1
elif move == 4:
heal = int(input("What kind of healing potion would you like to ues normall(1) super(2)"))
if heal == 1 and hp > mhp:
hpp = mhp - hp
hp = hp + hpp
healing_potion = healing_potion - 1
elif heal == 2 and hp > mhp:
hpp = mhp - hp
hp = hp + hpp
super_healing_potion = super_healing_potion - 1
if hp < mhp:
hp = hp + hp_regen * 2
hhp = hp_regen * 2
print("Regained", hhp, "health points")
hhp = hhp - hhp

if monster < 0 or monster == 0:
print("Game over YOU WIN")
print(" ")
spoils = win
print(" ")
if move == 3:
monstera = 1
print("Creators turn")
import random
monstera = random.randrange(1500, 2000)
print("The Creator did", monstera, "damage")

monstera = monstera - defence
hp = hp - monstera
if hp < 0 or hp == 0:
print("Game over YOU LOSE")
spoils = lose
print(" ")
print(" ")

def blacksmith():

global iron_ore
global silver_ore
global gold_ore
global dragon_ore
global death_ore
global midnight_ore
global defence
global sword_skill
global iron_armor
global iron_wepon
global silver_armor
global gold_armor
global dragon_armor
global death_armor
global silver_wepon
global gold_wepon
global dragon_wepon
global death_wepon
global midnight_armor
global midnight_wepon

print("Welcome to balck smilthing")
print("Your goal is to make midnight armor and wepon")
print("To make midnight ore you need two of each ore to get one midnight ore. You need 50 midnight ore to make the armor and wepon you can also make the other aromors and wepens wih 50 of that ore. You can get the text trir of ore by putting two of the lower teier of ore")
print(" ")
while True:
black = int(input("Do you want to make ores(1) or armor(2) or quit(3)"))
print(" ")
if black == 1:
bss = int(input("What ore do you want to make: silver(1), gold(2), dragon(3), death(4), or midnight(5)"))
if bss == 1:
if iron_ore > 1:
iron_ore = iron_ore - 2
silver_ore = silver_ore + 1
print("One silver made")
print(" ")
print("no can do")
print(" ")
elif bss == 2:
if silver_ore > 1:
silver_ore = silver_ore - 2
gold_ore = gold_ore + 1
print("One silver made")
print(" ")
print("no can do")
print(" ")
elif bss == 3:
if gold_ore > 1:
gold_ore = gold_ore - 2
dragon_ore = dragon_ore + 1
print("One silver made")
print(" ")
print("no can do")
print(" ")
elif bss == 4:
if dragon_ore > 1:
dragon_ore = dragon_ore - 2
death_ore = death_ore + 1
print("One death made")
print(" ")
print("no can do")
print(" ")
elif bss == 5:
if death_ore > 1:
death_ore = death_ore - 2
midnight_ore = midnight_ore + 1
print("One midnight made")
print(" ")
print("no can do")
print(" ")
elif black == 2:
bsl = int(input("What armor set shoul be made iron(1) silver(2) gold(3) dragon(4) death(5) midnight(6)"))
if bsl == 1:
if iron_ore == 50 or iron_ore > 50 and iron_armor == 0:
iron_armor = 1
iron_wepon = 1
iron_ore = iron_ore - 50
defence = defence + 6
sword_skill = sword_skill + 2
print("Iron wepon and armor made")
print("No can do")
elif bsl == 2:
if silver_ore == 50 or silver_ore > 50 and silver_armor == 0:
silver_armor = 1
silver_wepon = 1
silver_ore = silver_ore - 50
defence = defence + 8
sword_skill = sword_skill + 4
print("Silver wepon and armor made")
print("No can do")
elif bsl == 3:
if gold_ore == 50 or gold_ore > 50 and gold_armor == 0:
gold_armor = 1
gold_wepon = 1
gold_ore = gold_ore - 50
defence = defence + 10
sword_skill = sword_skill + 6
print("Gold wepon and armor made")
print("No can do")
elif bsl == 4:
if dragon_ore == 50 or dragon_ore > 50 and dragon_armor == 0:
dragon_armor = 1
dragon_wepon = 1
dragon_ore = dragon_ore - 50
defence = defence + 12
sword_skill = sword_skill + 8
print("Dragon wepon and armor made")
print("No can do")
elif bsl == 5:
if death_ore == 50 or death_ore > 50 and death_armor == 0:
death_armor = 1
death_wepon = 1
death_ore = death_ore - 50
defence = defence + 14
sword_skill = sword_skill + 10
print("Death wepon and armor made")
print("No can do")
elif bsl == 6:
if midnight_ore == 50 or midnight_ore > 50 and midnight_armor == 0:
midnight_armor = 1
midnight_wepon = 1
midnight_ore = midnight_ore - 50
defence = defence + 16
sword_skill = sword_skill + 12
print("Midnight wepon and armor made")
print("No can do")
print("You cant make anthing")
print("Bye Bye.. Quitting")
print(" ")

def skills():

global lvl
global mhp
global exp
global gold
global sword_skill
global hp_regen
global healing_potion
global super_healing_potion
global iron_ore
global sliver_ore
global gold_ore
global dragon_ore
global death_ore
global skill_points
global defence
global place
global midnight_ore

print(" ")
print("This is the stats")
print(" ")
print("press 1 to access you stats")
print("Press 2 to access your skills")
print("Press 3 to access your items")
stat = int(input("What will you access?: "))
print(" ")

if stat == 1:
print("Stats accessed")
print(" ")
print("Your on floor", place)
print("You have", gold, "gold")
print("You level is at", lvl, "and you have", exp, "EXP your max health is at")
print(" ")
print("You skill levels are")
print("Your sword skill level is at", sword_skill)
print("Your health point regen skill level is at", hp_regen)
print("The defence your getting from the armor is", defence)

elif stat == 2:
print("Skills Accessed")
print(" ")
print("You have", skill_points, "skill points")
print("Note if you add more skill points then you have you will have to gain thoses skill points back so just earn the skill points and use the earned skill points so you want run into this problem")
print(" ")
while True:
if skill_points > 0:
add = input("Add skill points? (y/n): ")
print("You have", skill_points, "skill points")
print(" ")
if add == "y":
print("Sword skill(1), HP regen(2), Done adding press 3")
add_skill = int(input("Add to witch ones?: "))
if add_skill == 1:
ad_sp = int(input("How many do you want to add?: "))
sword_skill = ad_sp + sword_skill
skill_points = skill_points - ad_sp
print("Points added")
elif add_skill == 2:
ad_sp = int(input("How many do you want to add?: "))
hp_regen = ad_sp + hp_regen
skill_points = skill_points - ad_sp
print("Points added")
elif add_skill == 3:
print("You all done")
print("Auctally do somthing")
print("Your sword skill level is at", sword_skill)
print("Your health point regen skill level is at", hp_regen)
elif stat == 3:
print("Items accessed")
print("The items you have are")
print(" ")
print("Healing potion",healing_potion)
print("Super healing potion", super_healing_potion)
print("Iron ore", iron_ore)
print("Sliver ore", silver_ore)
print("Gold ore", gold_ore)
print("Dragon ore", dragon_ore)
print("Death ore", death_ore)
print("Midnight ore", midnight_ore)
print("Bye bye youe contenunie")

def itemDrop():

global iron_ore
global silver_ore
global gold_ore
global dragon_ore
global death_ore
global mightnight_ore
global place

import random
ranrage = random.randrange(1,4)

if place < 20 and place > 0:
if ranrage == 1 or ranrage == 2:
iron_ore = iron_ore + 1
print("Item gained iron ore")
elif ranrage == 3:
iron_ore = iron_ore + 1
silver_ore = silver_ore + 1
print("Item gained iron and silver ore")
elif place < 40 and place > 21:
if ranrage == 1 or ranrage == 2:
sliver_ore = sliver_ore + 1
print("Item gained silver ore")
elif ranrage == 3:
sliver_ore = sliver_ore + 1
gold_ore = gold_ore + 1
print("Item gained silver and gold ore")
elif place < 60 and place > 41:
if ranrage == 1 or ranrage == 2:
gold_ore = gold_ore + 1
print("Item gained gold ore")
elif ranrage == 3:
gold_ore = gold_ore + 1
dragon_ore = dragon_ore + 1
print("Item gained gold and dragon ore")
elif place < 80 and place > 61:
if ranrage == 1 or ranrage == 2:
dragon_ore = dragon_ore + 1
print("Item gained dragon ore")
elif ranrage == 3:
dragon_ore = dragon_ore + 1
death_ore = death_ore + 1
print("Item gained dragon and death ore")
elif place < 100 and place > 81:
if ranrage == 1 or ranrage == 2:
death_ore = death_ore + 1
print("Item gained death ore")
elif ranrage == 3:
death_ore = death_ore + 1
midnight_ore = midnight_ore + 1
print("Item gained death and midnight ore")
print("No items gained")

def market():

global place
global defence
global iron_armor
global iron_wepon
global gold
global silver_armor
global gold_armor
global dragon_armor
global death_armor
global silver_wepon
global gold_wepon
global dragon_wepon
global death_wepon
global sword_skill
global healing_potion
global super_healing_potion

print("Welcome to the market")
print(" ")
print("You have", gold, "gold")
if place < 20 and place > 0 and iron_armor == 0 and gold > 200:
print("You can buy the iron wepon and armor for 200 gold")
buy = input("Do you want to?(y/n): ")
if buy == "y":
iron_armor = 1
iron_wepon = 1
defence = defence + 6
sword_skill = sword_skill + 2
gold = gold - 200
print("Bye bye")
elif place < 40 and place > 21 and silver_armor == 0 and gold > 400:
print("You can buy the silver wepon and armor for 400 gold")
buy = input("Do you want to?(y/n): ")
if buy == "y":
silver_armor = 1
silver_wepon = 1
defence = defence + 8
sword_skill = sword_skill + 4
gold = gold - 400
print("Bye bye")
elif place < 60 and place > 41 and gold_armor == 0 and gold > 600 :
print("You can buy the gold wepon and armor for 600 gold")
buy = input("Do you want to?(y/n): ")
if buy == "y":
gold_armor = 1
gold_wepon = 1
defence = defence + 10
sword_skill = sword_skill + 6
gold = gold - 600
print("Bye bye")
elif place < 80 and place > 61 and dragon_armor == 0 and gold > 800:
print("You can buy the dragon wepon and armor for 800 gold")
buy = input("Do you want to?(y/n): ")
if buy == "y":
dragon_armor = 1
dragon_wepon = 1
defence = defence + 12
sword_skill = sword_skill + 8
gold = gold - 800
print("Bye bye")
elif place < 100 and place > 81 and death_armor == 0 and gold > 1000:
print("You can buy the death wepon and armor for 1000 gold")
buy = input("Do you want to?(y/n): ")
if buy == "y":
death_armor = 1
death_wepon = 1
defence = defence + 14
sword_skill = sword_skill + 10
gold = gold - 1000
print("Bye bye")

helth = int(input("Would yu like to buy any healing potions(normal(1) for 50 gold ans super(2) for 100) to quit press any key"))
if helth == 1 and gold == 50 or gold > 50:
healing_potion = healing_potion + 1
gold = gold - 50
print("Health potion bought")
elif helth == 2 and gold == 100 or gold > 100:
super_healing_potion = super_healing_potion + 1
gold = gold - 100
print("Super Health potion bought")
print("You either dont have the gold or you dont want any")
print(" ")

print("Your defence is now at", defence, "and you have", gold, "gold")

##main menue or cammand
def command():

global lvl
global mhp
global exp
global place
global spoials
global streak
global gold

while True:
if place == 100:
print("You made it to level 100. Welcome,", player_name, "I'm the createor of this death game and I'm th final boss get ready for the battle")
print("It seems your ready or lets have fun")
if spoils == win:
print("You beat me good job you are now able to log out of the game")
print("You died on the final battle what a shame I was just starting to have fun. Rest in peice")
print("What wll you do?")
print(" ")
print("You are on floor", place)
print("Contuniue?(then press 1)")
print("Press 2 to get all the commands")
print("Press 3 to black smith")
print("Press 4 to enter the market")
command = int(input("Comman😛 "))
if command == 1:
if spoils == win:
streak = streak + 1
if place > 50:
streakf = 50 + (place * 2)
streakf = place * 2
if streak == streakf:
print("This is the floor Boss get ready!!")
streak = streak - streak
boss = 1
print("you can ether battle the boss or trin longer for the boos battel press 9 to battle the boos press anthing thing else to keep training")
train = input("What are you going to do?: ")
if train == "9":
print("Boss battle starting")
print(" ")
if spoils == win:
print("You beat the floor", place, "Boss congraulations")
place = place + 1
print("Your now on floor", place)
print("You the access to the next Floors market and for the time while your on this floos")
print("You have died poor you and on a boss even worse")
print("Training against monster")
print(" ")
streakl = streakf - streak
print("Current wins", streak, "you have", streakl, "wins till the next floor boss")
print("You have lost the game!! YOUR DEAD")
elif command == 2:
elif command == 3:
elif command == 4:
print("Well pick somthing")
while True:
if spoils == lose:
print(" ")
print("Restarting ...")
print("Starting to first battle")
print(" ")
print(" ")

Note: you might have to figure out the indenting before you use this program.