Some thoughts while at the eAirport

Day 1,194, 21:22 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Hello eAustralia,

My name is T. J. - a guy who tried and failed spectacularly .. unlike our new Senators, who I wish nothing but the best as the new Senate takes their seats and is gavelled into session. Congratulations in particular to the ANP who took home half the body - a spectacular victory although in fairness it was expected.

By my calculations, the new Senate is hung (I know how it feels 😉 ) with no party gaining 50.1% of the seats in their own right. I'm sure the AIs will give the ANP supply and it's likely that a bit of debate will ensue over the next couple of days over Senate leadership positions. Good luck with that.

I want to dispel a bit of misinformation going around about what I think and feel about the ANP. It's been said, rather unfairly I might suggest, that I have some kind of "grudge" against the party. That is simply not true. To set the record straight, I have had some run-ins with ANP members whom I believed I had the right to openly disagree with about some issues and from that - it has been spun into a web of falsehoods to paint me as some kind of political enemy. To put it plainly, that's utter rubbish.

It is true that I have substantial concerns about eAus existing in a political structure where a one-party state will always exist. The AIs will not organise as a party - despite taking home the second-largest bloc of 1st preference votes across the board. An independent movement is great in terms of being apolitical on central philosophy, but this makes it extremely difficult for its members to find any meaningful direction. It also creates a vacuum in the system for the other parties who are effectively taken out of the picture by this paradigm.

In simple terms - eAustralian politics is up the creek without a paddle, no desire for change and a huge attraction loss.

I have abiding respect to several eAussies - across the political divide. I particularly pay respect to Sam Cougar, Binda, Xavier Griffith, Savonrepus, Flatty, Hinokai, Henry the 8th, Prime Minister Sir C0nstant, Mack Craft, Styvesant and Wally Wilson - people who have good hearts and get things done. They have a huge hill to climb for change but I wish them every success - for eAustralia's sake.

So what for me now? Clearly eAus is for some but I can't see it changing anytime soon. I'm getting organised for eUS. Friends of mine have offered me a place and I'm getting out before I become completely jaded beyond the point of no return.

But no matter how far or how wide I roam, I will always call eAus home.

Peace, good luck to all and for heaven's sake don't be a stranger!
T. J.