Single Party Agenda!!!!!

Day 2,993, 01:08 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Scorpion King

Dear citizens....

I tried to get parties merged by starting a thread but no president bothered to reply. So I have decided to write an article. I propose you all join single party. None other. I know every party has prestige but their won't be any descrimination. We should all join one party and we will change the name by mutual consent and rotate the party presidency. So please, I request all of you to unite under single party. I am in no party, I say we join unity and progress and change its name. For our country we have to do this as all small countries do. Congress is important than party. Party won't have significance without Congress. Please just don't make a party only to nominate yourself as President.
I hope you all people will honour this proposal. Party presidents should comment their option on this article.
Prestige of every party is important. But ePakistan is more than that. And all parties will face the same consequences. Do not worry
