signing off...logging off revoir erepublik

Day 2,965, 09:32 Published in India India by N.E.E.L

Its been a long journey. I got burnt out once returned after six months with my this new account. I had fun and enjoyed my time here.

I spend close to 100-150 euros a month on a game which is a milking cow for the game developers. They are not going to retire the game any soon (as long as it generates the required cash to run its servers and employee salary).

I write this article to announce i am retiring from the game for good. Those who wants this account can message me in skype: eneelakantan. First preference would be given to indians but hey there are only a few who left playing this game.

When this game ends (eventually), everything dies with it and so shall this account be.

Oh, and BTW, whoever are working in the commune, your weps will be dispatched today for the final time (with a bonus) and you are free to take up employment elsewhere. If anyone who still wants to run the commune, you get access to it in skype. Thanks for your cooperation, sacrifices without which the commune wouldnt have run to this day.

I did my time in this eWorld. I neither own anything nor owe anyone. Let me fade away in peace. I am quite happy.
