Shaky Peace With UK [Irish fight for UK?!?!]

Day 1,729, 12:23 Published in Ireland Canada by Aries Prime

Two days ago I spent a brief time in our lovely capital of Dublin which is currently controlled by the UK. While I was there I did my duty as a patriotic Irishmen and I fought for the resistance to drive back the Brits or at the very least make them fight for their control over our capital. During my stay I stumbled across a very interesting article:

This article specifically complains about how WE the Irish are somehow taking advantage of the peace treaty and that he sees no other alternative but war. I have still yet to see how allowing 2 main pieces of our homeland, including our capital, is to be considered a fair trade when the entire island should be ours by default. I can see no peace until we control the entire island.

Another thing I would like everyone to note is that some of the Brits are actually ok with the idea of us taking back Louth and Dublin for Scotland and something which I believe is the best idea.

Now the last but most frightening part of this article is again in the comments where one of our fellow Irishmen actually admitted to fighting for the Brits. He then goes on to slander the rest of us who actually fight FOR IRELAND by claiming we are "a "special" minority" and going on to make fun of some of us for not even being Irish in real life.

I do not know how it became popular for Ireland to allow itself to take a path of self-degradation and humiliation at the hands of the Brits but this needs to stop now. I for one will not sit by and allow this kind of behavior to go on without a fight and I will continue to fight for Ireland until my last breath. All I can do is ask that others join me in my quest for a unified Ireland in control of the entire island, not some broken, weak, country where the Brits have a foothold on our island and control our capital.

~ Aries