Russia and France have countinued attacking ( UPDATE )

Day 606, 12:10 Published in Indonesia Serbia by daniferi

Day 608 update here:

It was a hard day... Yesterday evening Russian soldiers told me Alaska is cold as Siberia, so they want go south like birds. They did it. Today Russia was conquered Washington State. The weather is better here, grains can grow high and people can make a lot of bread.

Did you hear about new hobby of France? No? Collecting islands. When I was young I had a stamp collection. First they went to Nova Scotia, but it is not really island, so they went forward to Prince Edward Island. France soldiers sai😛 "Nice, but small, Island of Newfoundland is bigger". But it was not enough. France was conquered Nunavut. Do you see how many islands Nunavut have? By the way "Nunavut" means "our land" in Inuktitut language. These days, French should say that. Our land, our diamonds.

Short History:
Day 602 Time 11:20 Nova Scotia was conquered by France.
Day 603 Time 11:30 Prince Edward Islands was conquered by France.
Day 604 Time 14:50 Nova Scotia was conquered by United Kingdom.
Day 605 Time 07:11 Alaska was conquered by Russia.
Day 605 Time 09:20 Newfoundland and Labrador was conquered by France.
Day 606 Time 07:35 Washington State was conquered by Russia.
Day 606 Time 09:25 Nunavut was conquered by France.

Resistance War in Brittany was successful, it belongs to France again.
Now USA can block France by attacking Brittany. But first they have
to win a battle to take over the lead. Ooops, it is original region.
Will USA invite more 4 countries into that war, or not? 😉

Russia attacked Montana, USA on Day 606 Time 07:41
---(It was baby boom, need more food)

France attacked New Brunswick, Canada on Day 606 Time 09:20
---(It is cold in Nunavut, they want some wood to make fire)

Current map on Day 606 Time 11:00 (click on it to see in large):

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