Running for Congress 竞选议员

Day 581, 11:57 Published in China China by solotar

As a Chinese citizen in the real world,I want to become a congress member to do something for eChina.

Who am I ?

My eRepublik Birthday is May 21.I was born in Beijing which is the capital of eChina.In the early days,I lived a hard life.I worked from dawn to dark,but what I got even can't pay for a 2 quality food.Thanks for the CHINESE UNION's help.The Chinese organization gave me some food which helps me keep a balance wellness.

After these days,a moving ticket from CHINESE UNION changed my life.I moved to Spain that was a good country for the new citizens at the beginning of June.I was shocked by the good wage and the cheap food.I wondered why eChina was so different from eSpain.

I worked hard,fighted on the battlegroud and learned from wiki.I created a organization named Seer Group and an oil company in Beijing.I tried my best to do something for eChina.

Now,I come back.I want to become a congress member to do more for eChina.

What will I do ?

I have a lot of things to do for eChina.But the most important thing is developing eChina's economy.We will change the tax for this purpose.For example,we will reduce the income tax rate to make the citizens rich,and reduce the import tax of food to let the rich and the poor have the cheaper food.

I am not good at English,but I think it is important for a candidate to introduce himself to the citizens.

Please vote on June 25.
No matter which candidate you vote for,please vote for eChina.
No West Korea,please.

作为一名现实中的 中国公民 , 我想成为一名国会议员来为 e 中国服务。


我在电子共和国中的生日是 5月 21 日。 我出生在 e 中国的首都北京。 在游戏初期, 我过着艰苦的生活。 我起早贪黑的工作, 但是获得的报酬尚不足以支 付 2 星食物的价格。 感谢 CHINESE UNION 的帮助。 这个中国的组织捐赠给我食 物让我维持体能的平衡。
在这些日子之后, 一张来自 CHINESE UNION 的机票改变了我的生活。 我在六月初搬到适合新公民 生活的西班牙。 我为那里优厚的薪资和廉价 的食物所震惊。 我想知道为什么 e 中国和 e 西班牙有着如此的不同。
我努力工作, 在战场上战斗, 从 wiki 中学习。 我建立了 Seer Group 组织和一家在北京的石油公 司。 我尽我所能为 e 中国贡献自己的力量。
现在, 我回来了。 我想成为一名国会议员为 e 中国做得更多。


我有许多要为 e 中国做的事情。 但是最重要的事情是发展 e 中国的经济。 为了达到这一目的, 我们将调整税率。 例如, 我们将降低所得税让公民们 变得富有, 降低进口税让富人和穷人可 以享用更廉价的食物。

我并不擅长英文。 但我认为一名候选人向公民 们介绍自己是非常重要的。
请在六月 25 日参与投票。 无论你支持哪位候选人, 请为 e 中国而投票。
不是西韩国, 谢谢。

我最初想写一篇中文 的文章, 但考虑乱码问题和受众因素 , 最终决定写一篇英文的竞选 介绍。 然后把它翻译成中文。 为尽量跟原文符合, 中文版本基本上是直译, 对语言风格和语序没有进行 调整。 希望大家理解。 让我们一起为 e 中国而奋斗。