Rexdeus & Oprah Winfrey for office !!

Day 1,230, 02:26 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rexdeus

I am Rexdeus, a real life South African, that got hooked on the game while we were under PTO, this simply set the tone for my gaming experience in eRep, anything that was done in those days was searching for a solution to the PTO and as a result the mind-set has been as patriot to do anything that is in the best interest of eSA.

In this period I was Director of Education, and also toward the end of the PTO got involved as Deputy Finance minister and then the focus was to get our country back on its feet, and as a result became member of the Economic council. Through all I was involved with the eSAAF and participated where I could, to realise my secret fantasy to become a “tank” (alas still not there, but that is why it is a dream), in-game I would say that would probably be my most selfish endeavour, and was lucky enough to recently become Company commander for the 1st company, PG, where I started in the Centurions and also became PXO under Vanessa1309, from where I moved to Delta Dawgs as PCO. This is my 2nd term as Party President of the IA and will be handing the reigns over to a new Party president to take the party to its next level, whether my bid for CP is successful or not.

I am human and have made many mistakes in my life as well as eLife, many might be funny, none the less no matter how embarrassing it might have been, I do believe in taking responsibility for one’s actions and I do believe I have learned from each of my failures.

Where do I stand on serious issues? Well currently we all know of the Regions Brazil occupy of ours, and I would start to say we have regions that has been occupied for months without rent, I believe the majority of citizens do want rent for those regions and we do need to get our relationship with Brazil stabilised but also I do not believe that any existing regions should be offered in any deal, until the current un-rented regions are clarified.

On the economy, I do believe this term like the last couple of months will be based on trial and error, with a lot of dependence on the Economic Council and the Ministry of Re-construction and Development, with a more direct action aproach. The aim being to become self-reliant and competitive as we possibly can become on the international markets. This is not something that will happen in one month but we hope to make positive impact. With the economic module ever changing it will be a period where we try and get the most from the game mechanics to assist eSA.

Player recruitment will always be difficult, but I hope by having a stable high income workforce we will recruit from existing players from other countries, to bolster our workforce as well as our nrs. A baby boom would always be the ideal and I want to try and get a fund together to be able to place adds in popular gaming magazines, again something that might only be able to bear fruits in future terms, but hopefully to be of benefit to eSA in future. Keeping those new players will also be a focus of the whole cabinet.

My weak points as has been pointed out by various observers is my IRC activity, and I can not dispute that at all, my IRC activity is limited, I am online for important battles and if there is something happening I would drop in on IRC to get the “newest” info, unfortunately I can not “pause” RL always that easily, also I believe that same could be said for Forum activity for some of the candidates where I am pretty active.

Another possible weak point is the question if I can make the hard decisions, well, I am diplomatic and have always said politics is about compromise, but I also do not compromise on anything or everything, the last suggested agreement with Brazil I voted NO on because I felt we are not getting a fair deal. Have I had to make hard decisions in eRep, no, but does that mean I cannot make them? I do not think so. By the end of the term I am sure we will know, but to not vote for me due to that perception would be wrong.

My cabinet ministers will choose their own deputies and staff, and will consist of all the parties. My running mate, Oprah Winfrey was kind enough to accept the challenges for this term and be my Vice President, Oprah in my opinion is the perfect candidate as Oprah is not from the IA, so would not simply tout the IA party line and will create balance in power, and would be able to work closely with both cabinet and Congress and is very much accessible to new players as well. I do not have the same experience as other candidates asking for your vote, but I can assure you I have numerous past CP’s I consult with (in the IA we have something like 8 or so previous CP’s), and will depend heavily on the strong points of my cabinet to make this term a success, should the majority vote for Rexdeus and Oprah Winfrey for office.

I thank the IA for the opportunity to run under the Independent Alternative banner and thank the UDA and the SAGP for their vote of confidence in supporting me and Oprah for the highest office in eSA, it goes without saying we would do our utmost to make sure you do not regret the decision to support us. Together we can accomplish so much more. eSA, lets come together and work together to make eSA the best she can be.

Appologies for the wall of text, but i could not do it any other way, believe me it was twice as long, lol

Vote Rexdeus and Oprah Winfrey for office

Rexdeus CP Candidate
Oprah Winfrey VP candidate