Repercussions for Serbia

Day 2,429, 15:58 Published in USA USA by Logan Hyrozek

It seems that the prediction I made last issue is coming true; several nations are engaged in conflict against the weakened nation of Serbia. It's likely to believe that reactions will be split here in America. While the Serbs still hold great amounts of both strength and support, the binds of its former empire is falling at the seams. What will the US do?

As much as it strives, the US here in the New World is not the superpower of the world. With Serbia's resources being strained beyond what it can handle, one must wonder what will become of it and Europe as a whole. Germany appears to be leading the offensive against Serbia, while America watches silently.

I'd like to ask all of you what this means for America. It is ludicrous to assume that our nation would use this as an excuse to expand in Europe and Asia, but then again, anything is possible. With Serbia losing land minute-by-minute, perhaps the US can take the rest of Japan, rather than just Hokkaido.

For those who have not considered hiding in bunkers for WW6, how do you think the future will go for Europe? In other news, I've been working on a third feature for this paper, called "Citizen's News". This will be where average citizens can submit their own news stories they want me to cover here in the future editions of "America, by The People"!