Remon777 for Limpopo Congress

Day 734, 01:39 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

Good day ladies and gentlemen.

I will keep this short.

The IA has once again elected me to stand for congress in Limpopo.

My CV:

1x Congressmen
1x Ambassador to eSpain and the United eNetherlands
2x eSA Cricket Captain
Ex-Shock trooper
Ex-Royal Navy
Pretorian Guard
Real Life South African

I was born here and I will die here. eSA is in my blood and means everything to me.

Once again I promise to donate the 5g to the Reserve Bank of South Africa. I will vote as we have discussed on the eSA forum on what to vote on.

I am active, and want to be a voice for the people.

Thank you for your time, and please vote REMON777 under INDEPENDENT ALTERNATIVE!
