Regional Overview: Asia and Oceania

Day 1,216, 00:19 Published in Australia Australia by Tyler96

The Asia-Oceania region has been relatively quiet as of late, with few real wars and not a great deal happening by way of conflict. All population numbers used are from early yesterday, Erepublik time.

Southeast Asia and Oceania

Indonesia- 11 735 citizens, a world and regional power it is currently holding territories in Australia, New Zealand and Colombia.

Australia- 1019 citizens, a troubled community, Australia has half of its original regions occupied by Indonesia, despite this, Australia is actively engaged in training wars with New Zealand and Chile, and holds Otago permanently as part of a region swap.

New Zealand- 778 citizens, has a significant Serbian population and has been heavily involved in South America recently, currently holding one Chilean region, it is also actively engaged in a training war with Australia and holds the region of Tasmania as part of a region swap.

Philippines- 367 citizens, recently involved in war with Indonesia that allowed the Indonesians to enter South America, currently has one region held by China due to a NE declaration that came as a surprise many in the Philippines. According to a recent article in the Philippines a request has been made to have this returned.

Singapore- 347 citizens, a small and mostly isolationist country that have recently been involved in wars with Malaysia and currently hold Peninsular Malaysia as tensions remain high.

Malaysia- 259 citizens, a small country that currently has tense relations with Singapore, however, both Singapore and Malaysia currently hold an MPP with Australia, and are therefore able to fight in Aus-NZ training war. This makes it unlikely a new war will start because this will have the effect of wiping both countries sole MPP.

Current Wars-
New Zealand-Australia War has been active since 10th March but is an agreed training war between the two nations. No battles are currently active.

Australia-Chile War has been active since 22nd February and is a training war between the two nations. A battle is currently active in Otago.

Indonesia-USA war has been active since the 1st of March but thus far no territorial gains have been made by either side. A battle is currently active in Hawaii, but the USA leads 6-0.

East Asia

China- the regional superpower with 6265 citizens, it currently holds some North Korean regions as a result of a training war.

Republic of China- 2223 citizens, the strongest of the countries introduced in October of last year, Taiwan has settled quite securely into Erepublik, with few PTO attempts and has already been involved in a training war with South Korea. Also, so far RL issues have not been brought into the game, with China being Taiwan’s only ally.

Japan- 1006 citizens, was recently involved in region swapping with South Korea to protect against a PTO and it currently holds 2 North Korean regions due to a training war.

South Korea- 531 citizens, it recently invaded Japan to help ATO efforts and is partially occupied by China and Taiwan as part of training war/landswap agreements.

North Korea- currently only has 74 citizens and 1 region due to the Japanese and Chinese training wars

Current Wars-
Republic of China-South Korea training war has been active since 15th February. A battle is currently active in Gyeongsangbuk-do.

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