
Day 500, 10:54 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

It has been some time since I have taken pen to page and written down my thoughts. After the election, when two foreigners won election in my region, one departing with the prize of Gold, one attempting to raid our treasury via an organization named Nationai Bank of Japan, I was discouraged and could not bring myself to write. I am grateful to those who did win election to Congress for seeing through this blatant trick. But it is discouraging that still, foreigners win election in our nation with little resistance of consequence from the people of eJapan.

I am hopeful that after the election, our nation will rally around new leadership. Three eminently qualified candidates are competing to earn the support of the nation. One, the incumbent, has done much for our country, but the energy has gone out of his speeches. The challengers are Angrr and Makoto, both seasoned leaders who have yet to test themselves in office. I am supporting Angrr because his energetic plans give me hope for the future. But I believe that either of these candidates would offer a welcome change -- not because I lack confidence in our current President, but because I believe that a new leader will give our nation an opportunity to renew its spirit with fresh ideas.

Moving forward into the future, let us retain hope, and in Gandhi's words become the change we wish to see. That becoming will be a continual process, but the beginning of that becoming, and each step along the way, will be our country's achievement.