Ranofer (GIP): More Information in More people's hands!

Day 573, 08:11 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa

Ranofer's interview came in our offices a little bit late due to slow lines in eGreece. We should stress this out to our President that we need better internet connections. So, with the elections already on, we didnt have much to say. Here it is:

Thanks for taking the time to get this information out to the people! 🙂
1. Are you married? If yes, any children? (not relative, just to break the ice)
Not married at the time, and no children either.
2. What motivated you to participate in the elections?
I'm hoping to bring new opinions and insight to the party. Just because our party is the smaller of the two here in Greece does not mean it should be overlooked.
3. What is your agenda for your party in case you get elected?
I would like to see our party work to establish better schools especially for those growing up in Greece. I understand Greece is in a turbulent time due to the stress between the neighboring countries, but this should not cause us to lose our focus on our people at home.
4. What is your plans for the new regions eGreece has managed to free?
Our first goals for those areas should be to establish communication lines and infuse the areas with aid. This aid could come as money or resrouces, but perhaps the most important is medical treatment. During war time medical treatment for the injured non-military individuals is overlooked and this shouldn't be allowed to happen. Greece is based on civilians, not just military.
5. What is your plan for attracting new players in the game and support eGreece?
Greece has a great history and work is already being done on banners as well as ads to increase the number of players in our great country. By using the history of Greece and some of our great accomplishments, it is my hope that people will see the banners and ads and flock to our side.
6. What is your worst fear for your party?
My worst fear is that this election will put a rift between some of the members. We need unity at this time, not another party formed.
7. What is your worst nightmare for eGreece?
My worst fear is that we will never claim back much of our land from the neighboring groups. I understand we need a strong central area, but we must work to earn back a place in the foreign community.
Thanks again for taking this information and getting it out to the masses. This is what we need! More Information in More people's hands!