Public proposal for the Government, Congress and people of eNigeria

Day 2,475, 18:54 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Poncho Warrior

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Hello nigerians! How are you?

In this article I want to make a proposal to the government and the Congress of this country. I would suggest you start playing with the Money Market to give you a small but significant gain in money to the country and each of its citizens.

Currently the gold in the money market is at a very low price:

Moreover, the government, with congressional approval, has the possibility to propose and pass a law for the Issuance of currency. Each coin is issued (1 NGN) costs 0,005 golds. That is, with 1 gold the government can issue 200 NGN.

So the proposal is to organize as a community and take advantage of this situation.

Although I pose this is a prototype that can be modified, I believe that the steps for the government and people of Nigeria to earn a few extra coins should be these:

Step 1 - Every eNigerian citizen interested in this project should donate 10 golds to the Treasury of Nigeria gods and pull out a screen shout of the moment where the donation date and amount donated figure. This can be done up to a deadline.

Step 2 - Congress proposes and passes a law currency issue. This law will conviertir golds donated by citizens in coins. Remember that with 1 gold you can get 200 NGN. The coins (NGN) are to be deposited in the Treasury.

Step 3 - Congress proposes and passes a law of Treasury coin donation to the organization Central Bank of Nigeria. The donation amount will be equivalent to the sum of currencies converted from the gold donated by citizens.

Step 4 - From the Central Bank of Nigeria will donate proceeds to the amount of 1900 NGN to citizens who donated 10 golds to the Treasury on time and as agreed. The Central Bank holds the sum of 100 NGN for every citizen who participated in this operation. A gain for the government and for citizens of eNigeria.

I hope you have been able to understand my poor english and the idea that they have tried to communicate to you.

Finally, I want to invite a discussion at the new Nigeria Forum. I think an important issue where the government and the people should discuss, confront ideas and provide feedback for this project to be beneficial to all. I hope to find soon congressmen, government officials and the rest of the Nigerian people in this place to grow together:

§ Public proposal for the Government, Congress and people of eNigeria §

One way to play with the Money Market

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