Population Statistics 10th October - Population stats are back!

Day 1,055, 07:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! I’m back and although I’d like to say I will be back to my regular schedule I cannot guarantee that. I’m extremely busy now but I thought I’d do one of these articles since I know a lot of people have been waiting for one for 3 weeks now. 🙂

Let me just start by saying that I currently do not have my desktop that had my Graphics software on it; so the images used in this article are not going to be as good and most likely be brought together by Paint. (Not sure if I should continue the “Country Ball” Theme as it will be difficult to make these with paint. Let me know in the comments if You’d rather have a flag or a ball (bad quality) for the Winners and Losers section.

Votes and Comments are always welcome. Subscribe if you’re new here! If you want to be really awesome you should shout this article out. 😃

For new readers of my article

I have gathered the latest figures on the population. The population shown below are from Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

One more note. If Someone wants to use the images or just translate this whole article then you have my permission…however please put a link to track back to this original article. 😃


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the last few weeks

There is a lot to cover since I haven’t done one of these in a few weeks. Bear with me. I’ll try to only talk about the bigger battles. :3


I’ll start off with the biggest battle first shall I? Since I last wrote an article Liaoning was attacked twice. The first of those battles took place on the last day of the V2 War module (Tiles system). This was seen by most as a one last attempt for China/EDEN to take Liaoning from the Serbians. However; it was not to be as Serbia overturned a battlefield full of EDEN soldiers to secure the region in the early hours of the morning.

Now…Attempt 2 came a few days ago. This attack was initiated before the MPP rule changes to try and take Liaoning before Serbia had all of its MPPs to help. If China didn’t attack before the MPP of changes it would have had to deal with a Serbia that had all of Phoenix right by its side. The battle was one of the first major battles of the new war module. It was started in the early hours of the morning with China/EDEN pretty much dominating. Serbia pretty much gave up on the region in the afternoon of the next day. It is rumoured that China spent thousands of gold to get Liaoning back and win the mini battles every 2 hours. The loss of Liaoning will come as a shock to a lot of people but I think everyone knew it was coming. I think Congratulations go to China for finally liberating the region however I’d like to know where all the gold came from (and if they have any more can I have some?!)

Pakistan-India War

One of the biggest wars that I’ve seen over the last few days has got to be the Pakistan – India war. For those of you who don’t know; Pakistan used to be a giant in the Beta phase of this game having an empire that included China and India. Recently; Max McFarland 2 moved to Pakistan and won the Party President elections to nominate himself for the President of Pakistan role. With goals of invading India to bring back part of Pakistan’s empire was one of the main reasons he was elected. With the new MPP rules Pakistan has been helped lots. They currently hold 5 Indian regions and more could be on the way!

Bulgaria High Grain

With what will be remembered as one of the last “tactical” moves in the game (Until the admins put the retreat button back) Bulgaria managed to get High Grain. Last time Bulgaria got a high grain region they went through Bosnia to get it; that did not last long as it was lost with a RW whilst Phoenix forces were busy elsewhere. This time Bulgaria swapped through Turkey and Iran to take Iran’s high grain region. This is a massive boost to the Bulgarian economy and I for one hope that
they manage to hold onto it for longer.

Roundup of the new MPP system

As mentioned above; the MPP system has changed this week with any MPP signed being automatically updated. This of course has let to many big battles with some of the biggest nations. The majority of those have been against Hungary + Serbia vs Romania + Croatia. At the moment it’s obvious that EDEN is doing a lot better with the new module as there are “Unlimited Wellness packs” and “Instant kill boosters” that easily change the status of the battles. With EDEN having more gold than Phoenix it’s no surprise they are winning a lot of the current wars.

Another war that’s sparked up this week is Poland vs Russia. Russia has tried to get back its Western Siberia region but ultimately failed. Poland decided to attack back and took Kalingrad; Russia’s high grain region. This once again shows how much gold EDEN have and their dominance on the battlefields at the moment.

Greece have also taken advantage of the new MPP system by attacking Turkey. So far they’ve won all but one battle against Turkey. Phoenix and Turkey will have to be cautious as they can’t afford to have another country wiped off the map.

One last note welcome to the 6 new countries. As you can see I’ve added them all to the table above. 😃


The Winner this week is Greece. I chose Greece to be winners this week because as stated above; managed to stroll through Turkey this week showing how much damage the new MPP rules can do. Turkey vs Greece has always been a huge battle and usually they have as many MPPs as they can get (I remember in V1 when they had like 15 MPPs each). This war has been ongoing for a while now and almost always ends in a stalemate in the end. As Greece have managed to take some important regions off of Turkey it has moved them up 5 places to be 5th in the rankings. They have gained 2331 citizens with a growth rate of 35.59%. With the new rules it is uncertain if Greece will be able to hold onto these regions for that long. We will just have to wait and see. Congrats for being the winner this week Greece!


The Loser this week is Russia. The reason I have chosen Russia to be the loser this week is because they managed to lose another important region to Poland. Currently their most 4 valuable regions (including a lot of high raw materials) are under enemy occupation. This does not bode well for Russia. The battle for Kallingrad was close and I can only hope that once Russia has more gold they can attempt to free themselves from Poland/China/USA. In the stats this week Russia moved down 4 places to be 13th. They managed to lose 2676 citizens having a contraction of 37.25%. Unlucky Russia and I wish you the best of luck when getting back your regions. :3


As you can see from this Graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this Graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are.

Serbia – Lost Liaoning
Spain – Lost Mexican regions
Greece – Gained Turkish Regions
Indonesia – Lost Western Australia
Russia – Lost Kalingrad

Australia – Gained Western Australia
Slovenia – Lost regions to Croatia
Pakistan – Gained Indian Regions

Portugal – Lost regions to Spain/USA
Turkey – Lost regions to Greece
Other Notes

- As I haven’t done one of these articles for three weeks there have been some big jumps.
- Greece, China and Australia all gained over 1000 citizens! Congrats!
- Serbia, Spain, USA, Indonesia, France, Russia, UK and Turkey all lost over 1000 citizens. Ouch!
- The new world lost 21710 citizens in the last three weeks. That is a contraction of 11.65%!

If you want to see information on Active citizens of the eWorld then I suggest reading dSoKre’s paper. He does some great articles (as evident being the #1 most subscribed paper in the eWorld)
Link here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/eworld-trade-centar-180920/1

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction


Congrats to John Locked for winning last week’s contest. Please contact me for your prize. I used a random number generator to get the result.

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Prize next time! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments!

Once again apologies for crappy graphics. I'll try to fix this soon.

- An ill Kevy Shabado 🙁