PCP - Introduction

Day 460, 02:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Scipio The Great

The Peoples Communist Party is the party that works for all citizens of the UK. It is the party that combines passion, ambition, skill and perseverance to bring to you that which this country needs and deserves. It is the party led by the most able and determined among us. It is the party that lives, fights and dies for the betterment of our nation. It is the party for you.

The desire for each citizen of the UK, whether a supporter of the PCP or not, to be able to achieve his utmost is the main goal of the PCP. Our support for the citizens of the UK is unwavering. We have the greatest faith in what equality and team work can do to bring this nation together and make it more prosperous than it has ever been. United there is nothing that we can not achieve.

A strong and open economy is vital in achieving a stable and secure environment for us all. To achieve this some control is necessary, to obtain a fair market for both the consumer and the companies. The PCP will cooperate fully with the companies of the UK and believes in allowing them to run a free enterprise without interference from government. However, we do understand the importance in the need for the protection of citizens against the unfair practices of the few. For a better nation we must work together.

Internationally we hope for a continued relationship with our allies with whom we have had long and fruitful bonds of friendship. We believe in the maintenance and development of non-aggressive solutions to international problems. But against the enemies of our sovereignty, against the enemies of our friends, against the enemies of nations to small and weak to defend themselves we will not relinquish our right to stand up to do what is right, we will not abandon our duty.

Among the ranks of the PCP are to be found some of the most experienced and forthright members of the political landscape. With the wisdom of years they outstretch their hands to all members of the UK asking for your support and contribution. There is no such thing as a small voice and nor is there such a thing as a wrong opinion, we welcome all and appreciate you equally, as you deserve.

To find out more visit the forums - http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php
Or you can visit the PCP wiki page - http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/PCP
