Panther for Country President 08/05

Day 2,784, 03:16 Published in Belgium Chile by Black Panther II

Hello, Belgium!

My name is Black Panther II, and I'm looking for your vote on August 05th. With your help, I will be representing you and Belgians everywhere as your Country President. Now, you probably want to know what I bring to the table and why you should consider me.


My Program :3

Self Coup - I will move out just after my 30 days

transfer for free the Dictatorship for next Country President

my time

just enjoy or not

also i will pay 5 MPP's and probably

fly 😛



5 Q7 Weapons for 2 correct answer

1. Dans un verre d'eau, combien y a-t-il de calories?


2. Comment la nouvelle reine d'une ruche fait-elle pour prendre la place de l'ancienne?
