Open letter to eRepublik Administration.

Day 3,045, 10:48 Published in North Macedonia Albania by Muy Caliente
Dear eRepublik Administration

In this letter I want..that we can talk about few immportant things who can consider your truly goals and vision about your game who is front of us : Erepublik The NEW WORLD!

I'm player who start playing this game from the far long begining, from version 1, how we old players(lovers of erepublik game)call it. I start and pause it,doing private obligations(like high school,college,parties,studing,parties,teen ages...etc) and still i'am here. I quit many times,changing account's,build one and let him die, change oppinions, and still i deeply "love" , let's say more like respect this game and vision of the creators of the game, and coming back here.

But do you respect your own vision?

Isn't my point, with this open letter or article to blame your work, untrust your decisions and unclaim your position because let be realistic it's just a one more oppinion. But let lisen me,because one oppinion by time, by thinking, by support can be 2,3,15,25... eWorld oppinion.

It was a long time ago when you said that you will "save the game", but uffortunally nothing specific happend.Let go detailed. You sayed it will be "repaired" the economical mode,fighting mode... etc but again failed or maybe lack of ideas?

I'm not a guy/player who just give bad feedbacks and says THIS IS S**T, I DONT LIKE THIS! I'm one who can contribute and i hope, help to game with new and fresh ideas.That's how i came to one,new and fresh idea calle😛

Project:eRepublik is alive.

Project will have few goals who can fresh this game and bring new player,and the most important thing, SAVE AND KEEP THE OLD PLAYERS!

In Real Life i can be honest and say i'm student(at last finish year of studing before master degrees) at Project Managment College in capitol of Serbia,Belgrade. I write a lot of project's in different fields of Non-Goverment work.

How i learn, theoretically, project is everything, we are everyday surounded with them, from planing our party till the real business projects...

My point is, IF we came to play this game,game where Real World is COPY-PASTED and we have a Opportunity to became something and someone, then why we can't see that in practice? Is the vision lost or ....?

Let go forward... please stay and read.

My Project goals:

1.Improvments/changing the political model

2.Changing Economy

3.Putting New War module

4.Media modul

5.Free normal citizens (everyday workers)

In this article i want to start to explain 1 project goal: Improvments/changing the political model.

Because i'm inspired by seria what i watch and it's watched all the world at this time: House of Cards, i came to my feelings where i liked to have a opportunity to became a whip, to became a political activist, play and use brain for my goals and to realy earn my positions and functions(like congresman,minister in the goverment,president,ambasador,etc) in country where i played. First i must admit i google to find a game like that, and uffortunally i can't find it.Then i stoped and staring at home paqe at google and i move eyes accidently to my bookmarks on my internet web browser and i saw : eRepublik! Wait a momment! I play that game,where the marketing team says:



If on the begining, when you was development/making this game, i guess you was inspired to make realy game who will be copy-paste of the real cruel world, but you didn't make it.

In political modul today in eRepublik we have a congresmens who can't give a law more than 2 times in their mandate.You have a president who he can't do the same like a congresmens,also we have a goverment chairs for ministers who realy doesn't have any specific functions just they are here and every politic, from every country in eRepublik is based on how many soldier's(active population)they haved, how many teritories they have, taxes and fight , fight , fight , pressing the button and it's became no more than all other's stupid game's who i can google it and play(example facebook games)....

Why not to think on some another way guys? Why not to lisen new idea's and think about it?

Example let took few countries and detailed there my project idea in section political model.

Republic of Macedonia (Because is my country)

United States of America




So in Real Life they are countries, they have many difrence but they are connected, all of them has a democratic political model. But there political model isn't like our's ingame, isn't our World, is clicking world....

Example in Republic of Macedonia minister's realy have a task's and activites to do it,like Ministry of Justice,Ministry of Education etc, etc. Congresman's in Macedonia realy can freely and in democratic way everyday share their oppinion and publicly anounced new amandmans and laws.(Not like here 2 just per mandat)

But let's use better example big countries(by teritory), United States of America.

In Real Life they got 2 senats, they have Pentagon, they have a lot of institues , here they don't have real state, here they have nothing....

Example i like the political function whip to be added in political party. To be added 2 senats .... let's play a real politic!

I know it's hard and it's demands a lot of work, but i can say that is one way to save your curently game and bring new people,new players and ofcourse to get more money(because everything is about money,isn't it? 🙂 )

About eWorld political scene ofcourse you can add more atractive commands, like
Embassy institutions where goverment or president choose by mandat where they will be still opened , who will be the ambasador, not to be puted in the way that we must to use to chat and make country diplomatic by chating and on that way i think we are killing the game, we are loosing the power of feeling the game, we are at least i am losing the sense of game at all....

I know i was long and maybe i was confusing , but comon try to lisen our ideas, try to change something, first add whip to the party then add something new, think a litlle , work for the game, don't for the money, because i start to feel that i will leave forever because i am not pleased to spend my free time on nothing special how it was present on the begining and still is it!

Thank you for reading this(i hope you will and you will understood my point) and don't take it personaly, i'm just open minded and i like you to improve and be successed company, because we all get something for that achievement.

Best Regards
A loyal player
Muy Caliente