Once more unto the breach

Day 2,714, 01:52 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Greetings Americans and treasured friends,

For the past 20 days I have held the office of the President of the United States. In this time I have learned much and tried to serve the people to the best of my ability. To this end, I have decided to seek re-election.

In the past 10 days I have spoken with most of advisers and staff about this decision. Most of them have agreed to stay on. There are a few I have yet to talk to. So I cannot say conclusively that all will stay.

I made that decision over a week ago. But, per the generally accepted norm, I have not advertised my decision until now, after the congressional elections.

These last few weeks have been amazing in terms of being alive. All the conversations, all the politico, all the helping others and working with people... It has made me feel more alive than I have in this game for some time. Doing this job makes my nethers tingle and I intend to keep doing this job for the next 40 days. The country deserves someone who enjoys the job. That is me.

While I will never be as pretty as a flower, nor as pretty as many of you, each day I bloom more. We all bloom. Every day we have to chase our dreams we grow. We must grow, or these dreams would forever be out of reach. Let us bloom together once more. For the eUSA has always fertilized and watered me in my times of need. Let me do the same for you.

Together we have been through so much. I have been your citizen, I have been a part of the community, and I have been your president. I want to go to that next level with you, even if it is underwater and absurdly difficult. I want to be your May CP as I was your April one.

So it is in this moment, I humbly ask to be your CP for another term.

This one has no bearing on my campaign. I just think it is tremendously beautiful.

Nor does this one, I just think it is funny.

-President Trekker Spanksalot Tlumac