On Floors And The Wiping Thereof

Day 2,053, 08:25 Published in Canada Serbia by Sally Willis

So ... eSpain has wiped the floor with us. As an eNation we have been a toothless political entity for too many months; this is not a situation which offers much in the way of options to escape ignominy and return to the eWorld political stage.

Now we have seen TWO carry out a clinical wiping of the eUSA. Given the speed and efficiency of the wipe it remains unclear as to whether the various TWO nations who hold eUS territories can hold onto their gains. My own feeling is: they can and probably will.

Where does this leave us? I'll tell you. We are bleeding eCitizens like an accident victim with a severed carotid. We have seen numerous RWs begun ... and lost so comprehensively it's embarrassing. In short we are suffering from complete failures of both coordination and of committment -- not as individuals, but collectively.

So where does this leave us?

First, I point the finger at our Asgard membership. That tiny alliance of feather-weights can neither help us regain lost territory, nor benefit us in any long term goals.

Second, I point the finger at our utter failure to coordinate some action designed to gain a single territory -- if only for a day (election day) -- so we can gain a congress in order to make the political decisions only a congress can make.

Third, I point the finger at the general laissez faire of the eCanuck leadership who project an aura of: "it'll be alright." That is not good enough. We, who work and pay taxes, expect rather more than blandishments and pats on the head. Tomorrows CP election offers us candidates with interestingly different agenda. I've already committed my own vote, but I warn both my chosen candidate -- and the whole of eCanada -- that my patience is stretched to breaking point.

Next time around, I will either not be am eCandaian citizen or else I will be seeking -- demanding -- election to the position of President of eCanada.