Ohio Congressional Update- Week 1

Day 378, 19:25 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

As Congresswoman from Ohio, it is my duty to inform you, the citizens of Ohio what has been going on in Congress.

First, though, to everyone out there that can afford it, I encourage you to start up a Q1 or Q2 food company. With the food crisis, it is critical that we get more supply in the market in an attempt to drive down prices. Also, by investing now you’ll be able to take advantage of the high prices on the market and maybe pull a profit. I encourage you, all you budding entrepreneurs in Ohio to do your part to help your country. Congress recently lowered the import tax on food which will temporarily lower food prices but this is not a long term solution. So do your part, Ohio citizens, and invest in the food industry today!

I’ve been trying to help the new citizens of Ohio by sending those who look active welcome messages and a free Q1 food to get them started. With the price of food sky rocketing, its hard to get by in the New World. I think it is my duty to personally help these citizens.

I’ve also been discussing the possibility of disallowing moving on election day. While Congress cannot pass this measure as the admins need to code it, I think its important to ensure fairness in elections. I’ve received some support and I plan within the next few weeks to write up a petition to the admins about this issue. I encourage you to vote for this when I put it up. It would be up earlier, but I’m nearing exam time in the real world which takes priority.

I’ve been particularly active on the eUSA forums fighting for Ohio and American interests. Here are my votes on a few of the more recent measures in Congress, the justification behind my vote, as well as how the decision will effect you.

New Citizen Fee Change from 5 USD to 8 USD
My vote: No, measure failed 6-39
Reasoning: Most newbies quit after a few days so what is the point wasting more government money which will not be put back in the economy

Buying a Q2 Defense System for Arizona.
My vote: Yes, the measure passed 46-1.
Reasoning: Arizona is a border state to Mexico and needs the extra protection.

Buying a Q5 Hospital from FAQHospitals for Florida
My vote: Yes, the measure passed 42-1
Reasoning: Again, Florida is a border state and is vulnerable to attack. Also, FAQHospitals has been good about employing Americans.

Lowering the import tax on Diamonds 45% to 1%
My vote: Yes, the measure passed 41-1
Reasoning: The price of gifts has gotten to an insane point, especially with the food crisis. The price of gifts needs to go down and by lowering the RM tax, the gift industry would benefit.

Lowering the import tax on Food from 99% to 45%
My vote: Yes, the measure 37-7.
Reasoning: The price of Q1 food is over 2 dollars. This is insane. By getting more supply in the economy, the price will lower. This is not a long term solution (see my paragraph above), but it will help until Congress thinks of a long term solution.

Buying a Q1 Hospital for New Mexico
My vote: Yes, the measure passed 46-3.
Reasoning: Again, New Mexico borders Mexico. Its always smart to protect our borders.

Changing the import tax for Defense Systems from 99% to 1%
My vote: NO, the measure passed 36-9
Reasoning: We should be supporting AMERICAN industry. There are so many DS companies in the US dying for business. While the money taken out in this tax would go back to the US government, what kind of message are we sending to American industry by lowering this tax when there is no lack of supply.

These were my votes and the reasoning behind them. If any citizens of Ohio have any feedback, I’d love to hear it. Suggestions are always welcome. Again, I am here to be your voice, Ohio. Tell me what you want and I’ll make sure it passes.

In liberty, equality, and fraternity,
