News from eSpain and the United eNetherlands

Day 696, 13:37 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

It has been quite a while since i printed anything! I have more time this lovely Friday evening, so I thought I would pop in and give a few updates on eSpain and United eNetherlands, and a few personal stances.

The United eNetherlands:

For those of you that do not know, this is a merge between the eNetherlands and eBelgium. To put it simple: eBelgium had to merge with eNetherlands because of it being threatened to be wiped off the map. So these two countries have become one.

United eNetherlands News:

The Government decided to have Vanouze replaced as minister of Defense. There are many discrepancies to this... but he seemed to have disappeared for a while! Yet his wellness is 100, so I think he was just sick of the job. Read more here (

As the eUNL is part of PEACE, it can be found that they are extremely organized! Here is a sample of their wargames datasheet (

Other than that, the people of the eUNL are nice people, and seeing as the RL South Africa has a history with them, they are extremely open to us!



The eSpanish are part of the alliance called EDEN. They are basically against anything remotely PEACE. Some citizens know of our history with eIndos and eBrazil, and ask me every now and again how our negotiations are going for our regions to return. They feel for us, and want our country to be whole again!

eSpanish News:

It seems the eSpanish are very serious when it comes to combat. In the Ministry of Defence article (😵 we read that soldiers get warnings if they disobey orders. Basically, when they are ordered to move and fight somewhere, and they dont...

Here (😵 is a nice article on education. Some interesting read on mechanics of the game, and also on how the eSpanish see things being run. I think a must read for all!

And lastly, the president of eSpain, taguaro, has posted some very naughty and contradictory pictures in his newspaper (😵 please note that some people can find those pictures harmful, and should rather stay away.

Thanks for reading, and I hope it was not all a bore! I will try to write more in the future, and keep you all up to date with what is happening in those two great countries!

EDIT: I had awesome pictures, and linked all the articles, but it did not want to publish anything... I know, im a media noob! lol. Will work on it!

eSA Ambassador to eUNL and eSpain