My train of thoughts

Day 1,522, 18:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

So. I was sitting here on my couch, killing time by waiting for Dan Breen to stroke my ego by releasing my interview and reading articles. I got to thinking (dangerous pastime of mine) that I should release an article stating my intention to run for congress. So here I am.

In the past, I got 7 to 10 votes and made it into the top 5 for about 3 months in a row. I missed one month in November, and now I struggled to get in, getting 3 votes in December. I am here to tell you people, I am still important . I am an active person in game and IRC, and will serve eIreland to the fullest. So, Vote for me in … wherever I am told to run, I guess

In other news, MUFC92's article has sparked some outrage among the eIrish community. Personally, I feel like this should RARELY, if ever, happen. We are a small enough country without alienating a portion of citizens. Now, the MU funding is an idea, and it will need to be voted on by the Irish Community. If need be, I will create an form on which people can vote on this matter. But MUFC still has to iron out the details.

Certain comments have not been exactly, err constructive… I don’t want to inflame the community more, but someone needs to step between IBhoy and Libertad. Libertad-Ire fights in Irish battles, just not always when EDEN’s priority is elsewhere. Libertad has said it does not need funding, but that doesn’t mean their opinion does not matter. James Keiller, DerBrad, and many others are treasured members of the community, and they always will be.

Creative segue, Now, the Independent Labour Party has assigned me Treasurer and Public Relations Director. Not really director, but I’m on the team. Thought counts, right? Just a shout out that ILP is really cool, you should all JOIN

Another segue Now, the organization that got me involved and into politics/military/writing/everything is recruiting again. I made the cut because my RL friend was invited. This is your chance. PM him, Don’t squander it.

This has been Patrick O’Leary

With a handful of points you probably don’t care about.