My Plans To Take Over A Party...

Day 906, 11:09 Published in Finland Finland by WP Attak

... were postponed as I moved to Ukraine. After that apparently some small nation wiped out the entire Finland. Too bad I was not there. Nothing special happens in Ukraine, but at least almost every day we get to fight for some meaningless cause here. Anyways as you have seen, there hasn't been much cause for complaints recently, so I will just sum up a few in one single article.

The recent update to make it much more difficult to work for 5-star companies was a bit of a shock. I still think it was a good improvement actually, so nothing to complain from that. For a starter player, investing in 2-star house was a bit of a pain, but I survived.

I have been complaining earlier (several times) about the meaningless party-system in the game (I still do not see any meaning in that). What I noticed it is probably much better cause to use all gold for some financial purpose. So I invested. Let's see what happens with that. But nothing to complain, unfortunately.

I do have one complaint: Why did they remove all nice pics from this publication? Were some of them too disturbing? Should I post those somewhere else? Or were they removed from all newspapers? I would not know as I do not care for anyone else's opinions, and therefore do not subscribe to any newspapers. But let's see what happens to the pics in the future. I hope they would be returned.

DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this newspaper is to complain. Every second article will be in Finnish, and every second in English (in case you did not recognize either one of the languages). If you do not like how it is, go away.