My Manifesto

Day 1,127, 09:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Steina

So I'm running for the congress again, this time for North East of England 😃
On the last two months we fought against two invasions from west, the most severe was the Canadian, where we lost many regions. Now seems a good time to repair the damage they've done to us.
Last time when I ran for West Midlands my proposals were the change and fight against elitism, this month, the proposal is almost the same, the big difference is that this time I have how to explain it to you 🙂

The true brit spirit

Politics:The government may seem a lot bureaucratic to the new players and that may be a reason to they give up of the game too early. So I propose a more strong mentorship scheme, and more advisement of government forum and chat.

Military:Elitism rules this game, some few citizens decide the future of thousand of players, the influence of the new born is almost symbolical. I propose a army scheme to help our privates to get stronger quickly.

vote me to stop with that

Economics: All I can say is that all goes for the elite. I propose the creation and regularization of worker's syndicates where they would express how they feel about the taxes, salaries and organize strikes to get a more fair government.

Workers, remember that you're at the top of world, if you didn't exist there's no economy

Update 24/12/2010:

How I'll do it:
Army😛y creating special strikes to our young soldiers, giving them more food when we can do it.
Mentorship:More PMing and more mentors to our young newborns.
Syndicates: a law of regularization and creation of spceial forums to them.