My First Article

Day 597, 00:59 Published in Ukraine Austria by Balkan Beast

Zdravo, Kako Si? Im Balkan.

This is my first article, and I would just like to say it was a fun two weeks I’ve been having-2 bans from the admins! Thanks for the Banhammer it really was amazing. Now back to issues:
The Wars against eRomania really help our military, we should have them go on more often unfortunately I wasn’t able to participate in the last one due to a ban. Hopefully our eGoverment will start it up again.
The war against eCroatia is going very well, and eCroatia will be falling soon, due to Economic issues. The tax on iron went up significantly,and eCroatian Money is being sent to eSerbia. This act is justified by the eCroatian invasion of eSerbia, and isn’t a PTO, because the Serbs in eCroatia were living in the conquered Serbian provinces in eCroatia. Hopefully this will all end soon, and Serbia will be unified as one. I would not support taking over all of eCroatia though, or history may repeat itself in an eCroatian take over of Serbia.

eReligions have been popping up a lot , and many don’t last but many foolish ones still stick around. I won’t say the names of a few I know of; mainly because I don’t feel like getting a bunch of hate mail about a matter I honestly don’t care about. It is hurting the society section of the forum though and these threads about eReligion should be moved to the Off Topic Section of the forum, because that’s where all of the articles seem to go-right off topic.
A lot of people have been talking about adding Macedonia lately. A lot of Macedonians play the game and it should be added because many of them are taking refuge in Turkey. I support Greece in every single matter except this one. Both sides are claiming things that aren’t theirs, so both sides are committing unjustified acts. If it is added as eF.Y.R.O.M, that would be OK as well, but not eF.Y.R., because that isn’t its name! eMalta should be added as well. It has lost a lot of momentum due to the Macedonian issue though, and someone should get it back at the top of the forums. eAfrica needs to be finished eventually it has been a gray blob for a almost 600 days.
Last of all is Kosovo i metohija... If the resistance module is updated soon, and Kosovo i metohija is added, I suggest that my Serbian comrades come to it, and keep it in Serbia.
This is where I bid you farewell.. until next time 🙂
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