Mutual Protection Pacts

Day 1,816, 14:48 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

First of all I know I am fairly new here but I have noticed we are lacking some serious MPPs with a majority of our allies,

I understand that we are on a tight budget here in Netherlands but it has also come to my attention, due to the recent MoI article, that we are on very thin ice with Poland and may be at war soon.

Because of this dire news I would strongly suggest we start proposing a few new MPP's with some more of our allies so that we can have a more solid defense against Poland if the time comes that our two countries are at war.

I have already spoken to the Irish MoD and head of the Irish Army, The Psych0, and he has agreed to help us should we get jumped as would many other Irish given the chance. Many of you may not know but we were recently involved in a war against the Polish and I know for certain many Irish would love the chance to strike back if Netherlands was threatened.

I feel that this is an issue everyone in Netherlands can discuss since it effects all of us. I would also greatly appreciate input from our MoD and MoF on the state of our current alliances and what kind of funds we have to expand our MPPs. Thanks guys.

~ Aries