MU Funding - A Global Perspective

Day 1,834, 18:36 Published in Canada Canada by Bryan Alexander

With all the recent talk surrounding a new / revitalized MU funding model, I took it upon myself to do a little bit of research into how some of the other countries in eRepublik handle their own MU's.
I put PM's out to quite a few countries (some top 10, some close in rank to that of eCanada) in order to get a nice comparison of systems.
Below are results from the countries that I have heard back from. I didn't delve too much into exact figures for CC amounts but based on the warm reception I received from most countries I think if more details are required I could pursue the program further.

Each country will have a little bit of an economic/social background along with their MU model such that we can make an active comparison to their position relevant to eCanada. All facts and figures are pulled from in-game data, or that of eGov. (Averages taken as of day 1830)

So without further ado:


Rank: 37
Number of Active Citizens: 1092
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 186
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 451 293 345 (skewed due to war breaking out, but result still stands)
Income Tax: 1%
Import Tax: 99%
VAT Foo😛 25%
VAT Weapons: 25%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 22 CAD

MU Funding Model:

Australia follows a model that most closely resembles that of eCanada. An organization structure in which battle orders stem from the DoD for all MU's to follow. Supplies are given out to eligible units that meet DoD requirements as tracked on eGov. There are mandatory DO's, as well as optional ones in times of peace.

Based on conversations with their CP, $700 CC / week is allocated to each citizen in a MU that follows Dept of Defense orders. Additional supplies are held in Government reserve for key battles (similar to our Timed Strikes).
Based on eGov, they seem to average around 186 active fighters per day @ $700 per week, which amounts to 130,000 CC per week just on funds paid to MU's, not to mention their supply reserve.

Points to Note:

Australia is very close to Canada in terms of their MU model. They pay out roughly the same as us, and have the same type of requirements, in addition to their reserve supplies for key battles.
They have a smaller active citizenry, and as such you can see their import / VAT tax are higher to compensate for this. At the time of writing this article, the average Q7 in Canada was closer to 17.50 CAD. This difference in price would amount to roughly $1.13 in extra tax per Q7 weapon sold. Quite significant, but the $4.5 cost difference is substantial also.


Rank: 7
Number of Active Citizens: 10,348
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 2528
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 5 799 410 587
Income Tax: 25%
Import Tax: 1%
VAT Foo😛 5%
VAT Weapons: 5%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 16.90 CAD

MU Funding Model: Military Units are funded through the income generated with Income Tax / VAT revenue. MU primarily use that money to buy WRM - soldiers work in communes for 1 USD / day and MU use their work output as supplies.

Points to Note: Again, very similar to Canada in regards to structure. No specific CC amounts were given, but based on a higher population (and thus more citizens buying from the market) a higher income can be generated. Average daily income for the USA ranges from 60,000 to 75,000 daily, with some days breaking into 6-figures.


Rank: 29
Number of Active Citizens: 2022
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 474
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 536 578 764
Income Tax: 10%
Import Tax: 7%
VAT Foo😛 25%
VAT Weapons: 25%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 21.50 CAD

MU Funding Model: Coordinated attacks seem to be the key with Germany. According to their CP, the make common hits on a weekly basis where they have around 100 – 130 citizens show up. All participants are supplied with Q7 weapons for the attack. Damage output based on MU is recorded for each of these specific days in order to measure the contribution. Each coordinated attack is added up and recorded as they occur. At the end of the month the surplus tax income (after paying MPP's, buying the Q7 supplies for attacks, RW funds, etc) is divided up by damage and number of participants in each active MU.

Points to Note: Interesting dynamic here; essentially logging a valuable contribution to a timed strike, and using any extra monthly income as a sort of bonus for their efforts. It seems like these timed strikes are the only government funded attacks, and military units get an end of month bonus for their efforts. Apart from that, they remain self sufficient on supplying their members (if at all).


Rank: 31
Number of Active Citizens: 2140
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 927
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 1 459 880 432
Income Tax: 10%
Import Tax: 99%
VAT Foo😛 25%
VAT Weapons: 5%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 17.30 CAD

MU Funding Model: Military Units in Slovenia currently do not get any government funding. All supplies are self produced.

Points to Note: Slovenia is close in rank to Canada, but without a doubt they have one of the highest active fighter percentages out of any country. 927 fighters our of 2140 population is a 43% fighting ratio. By comparison, the powerhouse Poland only boasts a 33.8% turnout, and Canada sits at a modest 29.8%.


Rank: 18
Number of Active Citizens: 4317
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 1520
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 2 978 485 580
Income Tax: 15%
Import Tax: Variable – 25% Food, 1% Weapons, 7% FRM, 1% WRM
VAT Foo😛 25%
VAT Weapons: 5%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 17.05 CAD

MU Funding Model:
Croatia has a model that I have seen some talk about as of late:
Croatia has 3 types of armies:
(1) Cro Army – Under direct control of CP / funded by country. Consist of several MU's
Vatreni Gusteri – D1 / D2
Brigades – D3 / D4
ZDRUG – D4 Elite
(2) Paramilitary – Independent, but commanders will coordinate with MoD for targets. Non funded.
(3) Civilian – Totally independent in regards to supply / targets.

So essentially, they utilize the idea of a central national army. Different MU's based on division stand to help direct their efforts where required. Belonging to a MU based on your division would allow for greater control over supplies as well as ensuring key battles can be won (fostering growth among D1/D2 soldiers is important, but D3/D4 is what wins battles)

Paramilitary units are not funded, but could act more as mercenary units if called upon. They are largely self sufficient, but support the goals of the MoD.

Points to Note: Croatia is ranked 18th in game based on active population, but consistently output damage to get them inside the top 10 – 12 of all countries. 35% of all citizens consistently fight. Also, despite their higher income, import, and Food VAT tax, the average Q7 weapon was roughly 3% cheaper (approx 0.50 CAD).


Rank: 3
Number of Active Citizens: 11717
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 2307
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 2 492 083 221
Income Tax: 14%
Import Tax: 5%
VAT Foo😛 8%
VAT Weapons: 5%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 17 CAD

MU Funding Model: Spain consists of a National Army, the FFAA.
In this army, they only accept citizens that are in D3 or D4 with a minimum max hit of 4k. Strict orders apply to which DO to follow (only fight when battle percentage is between 40% and 53😵. Daily supply for these soldiers consists of 16 Q7 tanks and 160 Q5 food. Fight requirement sits at 160 times / day.

Private MU's exists, but are not actively funded by the govenment. They are, however, provided with a sort of CC bonus in key battles. CC is paid out to private MU's based on damage done. All damage is taken from results of Pulse on eGov.

Points to Note: Similar to Croatia in terms of funding only a national army. This army however is much more strict in terms of their entrance / fight requirements. Looks as if D1/D2 soldiers are the ones sticking it out in private MU's to get govt dollars based on their contributions. Sort of a performance based incentive. This may hurt also however, as Spain has just under 20% of their active population as daily fighters.


Rank: 15
Number of Active Citizens: 6214
Active Fighters (eGov 7-day Average): 2636
Average Influence (eGov 7-day Average): 8 288 591 784
Income Tax: 10%
Import Tax: 2%
VAT Foo😛 10%
VAT Weapons: 2%
Average Q7 Weapon Price: 16.85 CAD

MU Funding Model: Greece doesn't focus on funding its active military units to the extent that other countries that do. Instead, they place more of an emphasis on having a government run army to help new players get into the game. This government run army for new players is subsidized through free supplies, mentoring, and advice.
Players for in slave pits for Q6/Q7 supplies; coordinated attacks with readily available supplies also occur in order to get players involved.

Greece however will offer gold / CC to players for subsidized training ground upgrades when they are on promotion.

Points to Note: Similar to the Canadian effort of instituting Boomer's Academy to help train and develop new players. Apart from that, the idea of paying out gold to get upgraded training grounds for players makes sense also. May be a high cost associated with this, but the long term effects would end up being more substantial than just handing out weapons. More strength, more quickly = an army that is able to put out some big numbers.
Their population brings in ~25,000 a day in income, and they are sitting on a healthy 1.4 million CC in the bank.

Overall, I think this shows that there is quite a diversity when looking at how a country may approach the idea of MU's and funding. The intent of this article is to help spur along debate and discussion with the new session of congress.

I know MU funding is one of the hot topics at the moment, so I look forward to hearing some fresh opinions on funding methods / MU matters!