MPP Shortage

Day 2,080, 07:10 Published in Canada Serbia by Sally Willis

Now that we have most deservedly recaptured some territory I find that we seem to be remarkably limited in respect of MPP partners.

I urge our leadership to redress this matter.

Our closest neighbor, the USA, is not currently allied. This means that we cannot support them in their efforts to regain their territory in their valiant fight back against the predatory ambitions of TWO.

Yes, the USA has made promises of the NAP kind with our own bête noire, Spain, but no political situation is set in concrete. An NAP with the US would allow us to join the US in defending their recaptured territories without needing to move. Moreover an NAP would cement relations between our eNations and help to purge the mistrust and suspicion which germinated under different leaders in historic times -- by eRepublic standards.

I urge President Harper urgently to seek new political allies and diplomatic solutions so that our tenuous gains are not wiped out. We were wiped twice in the last year. First by Poland, second by Spain. The second wipe appeared to be all but permanent; even I began to despair and cried foul and pointed angry fingers at shadows. But the truth is, we have made territorial (re) gains. What is also true is that we are in an utterly parlous condition on the world stage.

I've seen way too many suggestions of dealing with Spain via territory surrender. I've always opposed that option. There are a great many better options for securing a diplomatic solution to Canada's current weakened condition, but it would foolish to show my/our cards at this stage.