Misije: How to raise an empire (Svih 14 misija i nagrade)

Day 2,450, 05:33 Published in Croatia United Arab Emirates by SolidGody

Nove misije. Služe kako bi igraci uplatili vise golda te kao i inace one su NE ISPLATIVE, te ih se za dvoklikere ne vrijedi rješavati. No, na vama je da odlučite želite li ih ispunjavati ili ne.
Opis misija i njihove nagrade:

Work for Your Country - Part 1

Opis: Wars are a costly business, so your country needs a strong economy to support its armies. Work for your country!

Uvjeti: Uzmi nagradu za izvršavanje dnevnog zadatka.


2 Energetske Pločice

Work for Your Country - Part 2

Opis: Work two more days for your country, or defeat 100 enemies of your nation.

Uvjeti: Izvrši dnevne zadatke dva dana ili porazi 100 neprijatelja u jednome danu.


5 Energetskih pločica

Work for Your Country - Part 3

Opis: Are your companies producing anything? Get five employees to work once, one employee to work five times, or anything in between to finish this mission.

Uvjeti: Zaposli 5 radnika u procesu proizvodnje.



Work for Your Country - Part 4

Opis: You're well ahead on the path to being a good worker for your country. Keep working in those companies and you will make your country an Empire in no time!

- Obnovi 6000 energije u jednome danu. Mogu se koristiti energetske pločice.
- Bori se u 3 različite bitke


q2 Kuća
60 Snage

Fight for Your Country - Part 1

Opis: Rule number one of the military is "listen to your orders". All the other rules are not even worth knowing, unless you are ordered to know them.

Uvjeti: Izvrši dnevnu zapovijed. (Porazi 25 neprijatelja)

2 Energetske Pločice

Fight for Your Country - Part 2

Opis: Your country and its allies have interests to protect all across the world. Do your part in 5 different campaigns.

Uvjeti: Bori se u 5 različitih bitaka i porazi 25 neprijatelja u svakoj


20 Snage

Fight for Your Country - Part 3

Opis: Your country and its allies have interests to protect all across the world. Do your part in five different Resistance Wars

Uvjeti: Bori se u 5 bitaka otpora i porazi 25 neprijatelja u svakoj bitci.


40 Snage

Fight for Your Country - Part 4

Opis: No empire rose to power without great patriots willing to fight for it. Prove your are a true patriot.

Uvjeti: Dobi istinski domoljub medalju ili napravi 100 milijuna štete za svoju državu.


10 energetskih pločica
5 Raketa

Train for Your Country - Part 1

Opis: You once saved the Training Instructor from Alex Kesler, so the least she can do is help with your training.

Uvjeti:Povećaj svoju snagu za 10.


1 Energetska Pločica

Train for Your Country - Part 2

Opis: You also saved the Training Instructor from Katherine Kesler, so you certainly deserve some more assistance with your training.

Uvjeti:Povećaj svoju snagu za 90.


50% Više štete na 8 sati (Damage Booster)

Train for Your Country - Part 3

Opis: Much training with no combat experience does no good. Load your weapons and go out on the battlefield.

Uvjeti: Porazi 50 neprijatelja svaki dan 3 dana zaredom ili porazi 300 neprijatelja.


50% Više štete na 8 sati (Damage Booster)

Train for Your Country - Part 4

Opis: A true soldier fights for his country from dawn 'till dusk. The Training Instructor has confidence that you can do it as well.

Uvjeti: Porazi 400 protivnika u jednom danu.


5 Raketa
Campaign of the day

Opis: So far, you have learned to obey your orders and fight from dawn 'till dusk. Now it's time to use both lessons and fight where your President needs you to.

Uvjeti: Porazi 1000 protivnika u Kampanji dana svoje države.
90 Snage

National Hero

Opis: Winning a Battle Hero for your country is about helping your country, making your comrades proud, and rising as a hero of your nation.

Uvjeti: Osvoji Battle Hero medalju dok se boriš za svoju državu.

- 50 gold
- q3 kuća

(ako se riješi u manje od 24h) (?)
(ako se riješi u više od 24h) (?)