Meet the Myrmidons: The wise old man, Uigeadail (Oog-a-dal)

Day 2,502, 00:45 Published in Greece Greece by Lithelon
Hi there, i'm doing an interview series called "Meet The Myrmidons" and i would like to do one called "The wise old man, Uigeadail (Oog-a-dal)." What do you think?

Hi. If was wise, would I be here? 😛 It's ok. What do you expect from me?

Even the wisest people slip occasionally, or perhaps you may be here to share some of your wisdom 😉 What about starting with a brief intro? Share a few things about yourself.

Name Uigeadail derives from the Scotch Gaelic for "dark and mysterious place". Although the name does not exactly match the reality, this whiskey is so good, that I did not resist borrowing its name.
Even though I play erep for five years now (from e-day 666), this is my new beginning. Too many memories, obligations and binding behavior remained with old nick and I wished to play again unburdened. I only persist to keep the memory of my Lioness, one of the few bright moments in this game.
In reality I am a grandfather, still too young to take me seriously, sometimes too old to accept me as not serious.

Although there are more than enough hints would you like to share your old nick, in case someone is still wondering? And perhaps some of the bright moments you mentioned, as well.

You said it yourself, there are enough hints. For those who recognize it, this is enough, for the rest it does not matter. Therefore, I will not write which was the old nickname.
Eh ... bright moments. It's a little hard to list them all. New acquaintances and even friendships are certainly something that stands out in this game, in some way. A specific form of communication, tasks and goals which allow us to find like-minded people in the game, virtual characters who have similar preferences and views on life. Then sometimes, this virtual acquaintance is followed by the actual one in various small and large gatherings, which is, for me, a good addition. There are however bad or unpleasant acquaintances as well, but they are an integral part of overall socializing.
Just playing is a special thing. There can be listed many specific events, which although virtual, bring us joyful moments. Joint war campaigns, major battles, shiny medals, personal progress and acquiring experience and rank. Although I had a rich and exciting previous virtual life, I would single out just few things: #mrmlj, Vojvodina, Foxland, POW, Budapest, Mexico, Little Poland, Tamil.
In this new e-life only thing I can point out are Myrmidones. The essence of all the previous years in a new beginning.

So, since you seem to like it #Myrmidons. How come you decided to join and how do you like it?

Several times I had an invitation to join the Myrmidons. Unfortunately, the situation was not favorable for me. I decided to leave the game and I thought it would remain an unfinished story.
One player from the "opponent" side once wrote, "You never leave, you just look sometimes, after not playing for months, wishing someday, just to see something new ... not just you, but many of us, became hoary with this game ... " That came true, as some kind of curse. I went and came back again. Only this time I decided to start from scratch. It was an opportunity to pick up on an unfinished story. I asked my friend to inquire whether Myrmidons accept recruits into the ranks of powerful warriors. The invitation arrived immediately. I asked her not to tell anyone my old nickname, but I could not hide it for long and I soon uncovered myself.
I am proud to be in the company of strong players, especially if they are unselfish, cheerful and loyal. And watching you, quietly from a corner, these attributes are confirmed every day. To be clear, there are many people of such values​​, and I certainly will not forget it, but now as a Myrmidon, I feel very good about it.

Knowing who you were, before your e-reincarnation, this sentence "I asked my friend to inquire whether Myrmidons accept recruits into the ranks of powerful warriors." is really contradictory. My generation of players grew up looking up to a handful of players, with you being in the top of them. The interesting thing though, is that people that got to know you, don't refer only to the player and the tank, as most probably do, but to the man behind the avatar. I think that's relevant to the friendship you mentioned earlier on and it's what really matter; impacting on someone's life, not just the game.
If it's not too personal, do u mind saying why did you quit? What drove you there and how come you came back?

Putting aside problems in real life, which almost all of us have, I went a little bit depleted and without motive. I’ve been weighing the decision for a long time and just waited for the right occasion. I almost never responded to difficult and sometimes insulting words that commonly accompany prominent players. I did not expect that just such few words would be the trigger for leaving. When the cup is full, we must have a drink or it will spill over. Since I wasn't thirsty, I let it spill over. And I left. Later, when I thought about it, certainly more than it was necessary, the desire and idea to try playing once again returned. But this time, it was mostly possible because i remained hidden from the public eye and with little interference in politics and warfare. Freed of all obligations, requirements and of own-established routes.
Ah ... not to forget, maybe one day she will come back and how would it look like if she would not be able to find me here? 🙂

You were dearly missed and it's great having you back. Being in Myrmidons is even better, so hopefully, the cup that drove you away will never fill again 😉 .
Since you mentioned it. Military and politics, which module you prefer? What do u find interesting in each and what would you change?

Honestly, I was initially most attracted to economic module, while still existed 🙂 . But I quickly realized that everything is just about conquest and defence. It was easy to adapt to warfare and battles, and I think that this aspect of the game has always been the most processed. (except views to the real damage in battle) 🙂 .
And even today, when everything looks very different compared to the past, with personal activities overwhelming teamplay It is fortunate that players are resourceful, and use all possible ways to reinforce joint activities, even if sometimes they seriously offend rivals. While it is perhaps outdated, I've always preferred a little more "chivalry" in the conflicts.
Politics ... an inexhaustible source of bad and good in human communication. Unfortunately, in my previous e-life, i didn't see some finishing of this module. I think that political module is the one more susceptive to improvements. Still, I love politics, especially if it is consistent with good human qualities.
I have always said that the development of the game is not my problem, but someone else’s. My job is to accept or reject the changes, there is no third solution. However, if I could really change something, it would be the gold and organizations. In the game there are two types of gold and they shouldn't be of the same value. Equalizing "dirty" and "clean" gold may contribute to a greater number of players, but the question is, whether they are real players and how they affect the entire game. I mean about farm bots or something like that.
As far as the organizations, we should either all have them, or none. In the past I have invested a lot in organizations, but they have been removed from the game with compensation, so I believe they are no longer required. The current model, which does not apply any rules of equal opportunities, except that the organizations can simply be closed, isn't good.

Let's move on to alliances. Once again it seems the time for new ones has arrived. How do you see current ones, what do you think future holds and if you had a say in the matter, what would you pursue?

There are no alliances, only THE Alliance. The heavenly, outlived and unforgotten. In it, I was e-born, I e-lived.. And often I visit it in my mind.
It is ungrateful to predict anything. Once, long ago, I was sure that e-Poland would never turn its back to e-Croatia. I was also convinced that e-Romania will never give priority to e-Serbia. The worst thing is that I don't believe that virtual financial benefit can be an excuse for actions of any e-government. These are the reasons why I'm not a good visionary. Basically I'm wrong in all assessments.
Except for one thing. Alliance and government are not the same as friends. Everything that is done on the basis of profits, interest or someone else's accident, can be easily undone. Everything which in itself has a friendship, feelings and respect never ends, no matter how states or alliances were composed or linked.
When your friend leaves, because he was bored with you having always the same opponent, perhaps it is somewhat your fault. When your friend leaves, because under the protection of your rivals he has better protection, also, perhaps it is your fault. When your friend abandons you because he does not understand you and you are, clearly, not enough for him, I admit, this may also be your own fault. But I always ask just one thing... When your friend leaves, can you still call him a friend?
In a game with no end everything can happen. With a little fairy dust Peter Pan was able to fly. As long as he had faith. But now, that’s a job for the young lions. Those old, will do best if they fly very low and don’t raise too much dust. Or roll up their sleeves and do the work as before, without wailing. If they have the will for that … Otherwise we will just look like Statler and Waldorf.

I think we covered pretty much anything, so we're closing to concluding.Is there something you'd like to share, or you believe i have omitted asking you?Feel free to say whatever you'd like 🙂

For the end I will borrow one quote from "Little Prince". I would like to send it to friends, those with whom I share that same feeling.

"All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems... But all these stars are silent.
You - You alone will have stars as no one else has them... In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars will be laughing when you look at the sky at night.. You, only you, will have stars that can laugh! And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me... You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure... It will be as if, in place of the stars, I had given you a great number of little bells that knew how to laugh..."

Uig thank you for bearing with me and answering all these questions! It was a real pleasure 🙂

Thank You and all Myrmidons, the pleasure was mine 🙂.

Blondie thank you very much for helping me with this one!!!