Mayday! Mayday!Mayday! This is eRep calling!

Day 2,573, 09:05 Published in China Romania by R4ger

Hello, know me or not is not a problem.
Have fun.

This is my first and last article. Don't ask me why i wrote it today, i don't even know.
The truth is that i promised to a person that i'll completely write an article before i leave, i had to, you know. It's a basic thing for an eRepublik citizen.

So here i'm. But i have a problem, i'm not good with people, you know "third people". You probably don't care about that and after-all you are right but.. that's the reason of my selected article type.
I planned to write a social and entertainment article.
So as i wrote before, let's have fun.

Ok, i'm sorry.. You are right i'm a pathetic writer... but please excuse me and make one last favor for me. Before the Fun section of the article, please read those Real-Life stuff.
It's about a Situation's response. Urgent and Serious one.
That's how the Mayday works.
Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications.

Let's have an example of Mayday on Real-Life Worl😛
( air traffic control aka ATC)
( KLM 123 is the close-by receiver who listen the Mayday call)
( KLM 456 is the object that call for a Mayday)

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Amsterdam Center, KLM 123 received Mayday from KLM 456, I say again KLM 456 Boeing 737 engine failure, forced landing 10 miles east of Rotterdam 4000 feet descending heading 180.

ATC will probably reply with:

KLM 123, Amsterdam Center, roger your relayed Mayday from KLM 456.

This message could be followed by:

All stations, Amsterdam Center, stop transmitting, Mayday situation in progress!

When the problem has been dealt with:

All stations, Amsterdam Center, distress traffic ended.


Now let's have an example for eRepublik Worl😛
( Mayday aka Fix The Economy)
( Costumer Service Department aka CSD)
( KLM 123 is a new player in eWorld who trying to learn from an old player)
( KLM 456 is a random good experienced and old player)

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, eRepublik World, KLM 123 received Mayday from KLM 456, I say again KLM 456 Boeing 737 present failure, forced to eDeath before 1 month, while he was two-clicking for 4 months, citizen info 12 months age, eRandom country, ID #eRandom.

CSD will probably reply with:

KLM 123, eRepublik World, roger your relayed Mayday from KLM 456.
But the real CSD's reply is:

KLM 123, eRepublik World, roger your relayed Mayday from KLM 456 is about money.

This message could be followed by:

All moderators and admins, eRepublik World, stop trolling, Mayday situation in progress!

When CSD realized it's not about money:

All moderators and admins, eRepublik World, silenced trolling ended, please proceed and continue with irony.


Thank you.