MarrowBum 4 PP

Day 2,427, 11:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 6times5is30
This article is only really relevant for members of the UKPP, so if you're not a member it's probably not for you

Like a poorly planned prom-night quickie, i'm pulling out

I've recently been reminded of the ongoing threat of a PTO to the party, and having seen the results of Alfa's mass mail on who people plan to vote for i've decided to drop out of the running. By the responses to the mail Sir Reginald Marrowbum looks the most likely to win (12-10).

He's born and bred eUK, so i'm pretty sure he's not here to steal our jobs and give them to serbs, and by what his article says i'm confident he can't mess the place up too badly 😛

Vote for Sir Reginald Marrowbum:
His article:
Voting takes place on the 15th