Lost in Translation

Day 2,842, 10:12 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by TIHSF0ECEIP

Day 2,842
Reverting the changes to Epic Battles ""

Dear Citizens /You are not Dear, but keep the feeling we care about you/,

Earlier today we published a Latest Updates post explaining certain changes to Epic Battles /No, we don't care what you are thinking. Is published so get off/. eRepublik is a unique game with an incredibly passionate and active community /We hate all 3000 peoples still playing. We hate your multies. But IF YOU PAY, YOU'RE OK/. At eRepublik Labs we’re extremely thrilled and proud by the fact that the Citizens express their opinions and show their passion towards the game week in, week out / We love the way you shit at us, but we STILL GET YOUR MONEY, without taking care for your opinion/.

The change stirred up a lot of discussion and many Citizens presented their opinions /Some of them WAS REAL PEOPLE, not multies of Trico and Romper/. This encouraged us to reconsider our decision in the interest of the community /No! We still don't care about community and opinions. We move step back VISUAL like we do/. Therefore we have decided to revert the previously stated change regarding the Epic Battles /But you know that. WE POSTED IT. Maybe is even succesfull?/. In the following days we’ll have several discussions about the Epic Battles and try to find different ways to improve them /IT WILL HAPPEN. Like we improved guerilla, added Q6 and Q7 houses and every other lie we said/ . Our goal is to work with the community in order to determine and decide the best ways for improvements /Buy our packs please, or else we will invent something NEW, and you will cry again/.

The eRepublik Team would like to thank all Citizens for your continuous love and support /No, we don't like your swearing in tickets.../. We look forward to hearing more feedback on the exciting changes we do/NO! WE DON'T! BUT IF YOU FEEL BETTER - BELIEVE US/! o7 /That last thing to vote your own bullshit? I am speechless.../