
Day 1,952, 15:42 Published in South Africa Israel by Chaim Dov

Today is the day of passover, a day where the Hebrews where liberated as slaves from Egypt. Each year like other Jews I celebrate this holiday but I can help but notice the similarity of what eSouth Africa is going through. Our nation has become divided and we are now slaves to our enemies. Eventually as the story goes Pharaoh’s resistance was broken, and he virtually chased his former slaves out of the land. The Israelites left in such a hurry, in fact, that the bread they baked as provisions for the way did not have time to rise.

For eSouth Africa we need a proper "Moses" who will lead us correctly, who will be able to keep up the struggle and recover our nation. We may not have the ten plagues, we may not have "God's" divine intervention and we may not cross the red sea but in comparison we are in the same boat. The military situation right now has improved but is our leadership able enough to continue on the fight? Days will tell but we must keep up the struggle and the hope that we will be liberated.

Yes we should criticize the eSouth African government for their incompetence. However we must stand together to fight the South American horde who continue to destroy our great nation. Moses was a hands-on leader. He liked to be in the thick of it and to lead from the front. What some would call micro-management he called his daily task list. We must have that in our leaders, their are these who may disagree but I think eSouth African political leaders must, we voted for them to do a job, if they can't do it they must no longer run.

So on the first day of passover I wish all those who celebrate it like myself and may the story of it be of inspiration not only for eSouth Africa but for eIsrael who also continues to fight for liberation.