Labour Party Update

Day 829, 04:51 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
Labour-Party of The People

Labour would like to thank all those who joined us in the defense of our island over the last few days. Labour/ICA members pro-active initiative and activities abroad brought the following groups to our shores-

Seal Team 6(US) BSD, SFFA, HOS, ZDrug, Ponos(Croatia) CAF(Canada) Crimson Order(Canada and Australia)

Thanks also to anyone else that came to support us. o7
And well done to our native population.

On another note, I would like to congratulate new Labour Congressmen Glorious Connolly, James Ferrin, Brian Boru and Michael Collins. The beginning of a new era is upon us. We need a new system in place where we are capable of accommodating our allies effectively in future.

Labour ABÚ

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