JLB BDP Offical Letter Of Resignation - Special Issue - 15 Jun

Day 2,764, 13:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jake Lee Blakeway

Thought this title might be appropriate for the BDP currently

Dear BDP members,

Today the elections for Party Presidency have taken place. By now it is clear that I have not won this election. I feel that this is a great shame, and a huge step back for the party. On this day, you were offered a chance to change, instead, you decided to stick with a broken system, a stifled and stagnant leader; who has had virtually no opposition and is being controlled by this party’s vice president. I guess we will never know how many of Bruce’s Multi drones actually took part in the elections, but now it does not matter.

It is clear to me now, that this party has made it’s mind up. It has chosen to stay still and decline. With falling membership, the BDP will soon fall into nothingness, and soon with the rise of ESO, the BDP will face being cut out of the political scene. With Bruce, pushing away new members with his aggressive and abrasive ways, it seems that you truly all will become nothing. What hurts the most about this, is that I tried. Unlike William; who has had months of unrivalled rule; I threw myself into the position with dignity and pride. I put together plans, a manifesto, showing how we as a party could grow; how we could take the next step. Instead, Bruce and his drones decided to block that, allowing William to rule the party from the background, as well as do back room deals with King William. Despite my campaigning, it fell on deaf, useless ears.

The decline has already started. When I joined there were 52 members, now today there is 46. With every single member you lose, you lose your chance of remaining on the political scene, yet none of you seem to have grasped this, despite me warning you several times that without change, things were going to get worse.

I can’t remain in a party, where people are so blind to truth; where the part is controlled by a notorious player from the backroom. That is why I have made the decision to resign from the party and not seek to stay around for the next term. This party has nothing to offer me, and nothing to offer anyone else, unless you are of course willing to silently obey Bruce Wayne’s mail orders and do nothing else. This is decision I don’t take lightly. Resigning is a last resort option, I always believe that with enough work, you can achieve change, but here… I just don’t think it is viable option in this party. This party has no more to offer. Even if I did stay behind, there would be no way I would get a congress post, or even make it anywhere. Bruce simply has no time for people who want to engage or talk about things.

I would like to thank the other four people who did vote for me. I don’t know who you are, but I am flattered that you listened to me and you put your faith behind me; that is all a politician can ask of it’s voters. If you would like to come forward and say who you are, even by mail then I would appreciate it. Both of you are also invited to come and join me in whatever party I decide to move to. Between us three we can help make a difference elsewhere, leaving this stagnant place Five members shorter.

As for my next move in politics; I don’t know yet. I have been toying with the idea about starting my own party to pull voters away from the annoyed UKPP with the bribery and corruption of King William. With enough members, I hope to kick the BDP down to into 6th, and wiping you off the political map for good.

More than likely however, I will move to another party and start actually working within the government. I have had offers from the WRP. If they make a serious written bid afterwards, I may consider. I will also be speaking to the UKRP and ESO about membership, trying to decide which party is better for me and for the good of the eUK. Afterall, the whole reason I started this was because I wanted to make a difference. A real advocate for change and cooperation.

In my final paragraph here at the BDP, I would like to urge all non-robot accounts of Bruce Wayne to leave this party. Go join someone else. Anyone. I don’t care who. As soon as you speak up about something, or when you try to make a serious bid to move the party forward, you will just get drowned out by his negative comments.

Thank you for reading, And Bruce; Say goodbye to another member you have pushed away, casting your party ever so closer to doom.


Jake Lee Blakeway

But still have a Mitchell...