It's a shame

Day 763, 12:47 Published in Germany China by Donnie Bronco
In the meanwhile there is the first statement of one donater the polish MoFA. Sadly they clearly show no remorse or the slightest understanding for their actions and the reactions those caused to the german people. But rather they attempt to belittle and mock us and our concerns.

Dear eGermans and friends of eGermany,

Some days ago I noticed something unacceptable, pretty shocking and insulting. The Polish President Cerber used the PEACE Proposal to insult eGermans, the eGerman nation and RL Germans by sending a PEACE Proposal with the offer of 14.88.

Peace Proposal to eGermany

Until now I stayed quiet and tried to use the official channels to contact the admins but an unpleasant answer and reaction forced me to write this article. Now let me explain why I´m enraged and angry about a “random” number. In connection to Germany or Germans this number has a meaning and I’m sure and confident it’s not just a coincidence to use it. Especially in this case it’s solely to insult, troll and humiliate German players. (And according to Erepublik laws it´s not allowed but ok maybe I´m overreacting and the polish player are nice and I just don´t get it.)

From 14 or 14 words the sentence

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

coined by George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party together with 88 where 8 points to “h” was a “secret” code used for “Heil Hitler” and is an act against Germans and claim them as “Nazis”. This is the reason why I see this as insult at myself, at eGermany and any RL German.

Dictionarylink to 1488
Wikipedialink "Nazi symbolism" (English)
Wikipedialink "Fascist symbolism" (German)

Some polish citizen maybe encouraged by the president or at their own donated also a sum of 14.88 to our national bank in different currencies. One of them even used Austrian money but seemed to fear the punishment and donated once 0.14 and once 0.88 and even wrote it proudly in the comments of an article that it represents the birthplace of Adolf Hitler. (I was not able to find the article because proper search functionalities are missing.)

Now my question to all players of ePoland, EDEN and PHOENIX:

Is this the President you elected?
Is this your behavior as players against other players competing against you?
Why can´t you just play fair and with honor?
Do you really think racism is funny?
Don´t we deserve some respect as players?
Ok you won and congratulations, but is it really needed to use racism?

What do you think about your lovely allies and their president?
Why can´t you stop them from doing this?
What exactly did we do wrong to deserve racism?
Why don´t you tell them to stop this improper behavior?
Don´t you even realize if you win exactly this behavior puts shame on you?
And I can tell you I´m disappointed of you even with the amazing fights we had until now.

They proved us once again right about their behavior and intentions.
They can play without the fear of punishment.
Can do what they want to do.
And to my regret the admins just answered me that they don´t see anything wrong in it.
I only ask for justice and please keep playing with honor and don´t do things you would regret in RL! I know a lot of polish people in RL and it´s a shame for them the players behave like this.

Now the admins don´t see anything wrong with this. Dear players are my judges and let me ask you:

Is this what a game is about?
Is this what a game should be about?
Is this how players should treat each other?

Donnie Bronco
President of eGermany
Deputy Secretary-General of Phoenix


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